The African Development Bank (AfDB), as one of the leading investors in agriculture in the continent, has been firmly on track on how it has deployed US$5.5 billion in investments in the agriculture sector over five years to 2015.
Total investment in African agriculture is still well short of the levels required to deliver fundamental change and prosperity. Africa’s rapid rates of population growth and urbanization are creating vast unmet demands for food and agricultural products. The continent needs a major injection of both public and private finance into all stages of the agricultural value chain, using finance in smarter ways to create dynamic enterprises throughout the sector and markets. This must include both small- and large-scale agribusinesses, to ensure that agricultural development generates inclusive growth.
The Review details the progress and the pitfalls to date in transforming Africa’s agriculture sector, and lays out what steps must be taken to catapult Africa into becoming a global agricultural powerhouse in the next decade. In recent years, agriculture has zoomed to the top of Africa’s policy agenda, with African countries pledging to eradicate hunger and halve post-harvest losses in under a decade."The Development Effectiveness Review is mission accomplished, as the AfDB sets out an even more ambitious agenda in its Feed Africa strategy to end hunger and extreme poverty by 2025", Simon Mizrahi, Director of Quality Assurance and Results Department that authored the Development Effectiveness Review on Agriculture.
Download the full report
Level 1: Africa’s progress in agriculture
- Agriculture for inclusive growth
- Delivering higher crop yields to consumers
- Moving up the value chain
- Towards efficient management of natural resources
- Conclusion
Level 2: The Bank’s contribution to the agriculture sector
- Strategic focus to transform Africa’s agriculture
- Increasing agricultural productivity
- Establishing food security corridors
- Sustainable use of natural resources
- Conclusion
Level 3: Effectiveness in managing our agriculture portfolio
- Designing quality projects
- Effective delivery of support to agriculture
- Conclusion
Level 4: Efficiency in supporting agriculture operations
- A dynamic organisation providing the right mix of instruments
- Managing our staff to deliver quality agricultural support
- Conclusion
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