Food security in sub-Saharan Africa: a fresh look on agricultural mechanisation; how adapted financial solutions can make a difference
Ströh de Martínez, Christiane / Marietta Feddersen / Anna Speicher
2016 German Development Institute (DIE) Bonn: Studies 91, 191 pp.
Much of sub-Saharan Africa’s farmland is (still) cultivated with the hand hoe, and agricultural processing and transport are often done manually. This limits the potential of agriculture in the region.
To better understand how mechanization can contribute to food security, this study first assesses the controversial impact of mechanization on rural populations and their environments. In a second step, the difficulty in accessing financing is analysed, distilling success factors for financing mechanisation. Thereby, the study aims at bringing the sectors of agriculture and finance closer together with the overall objective of fighting food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa.
1 February 2017. "Transformer l’agriculture ouest-africaine par le développement de la mécanisation : quelles politiques publiques ?".
The SIMA Paris International Agribusiness Show 2017 will take place from 26 February to 2 March 2017 at Paris Nord Villepinte, France.
Much of sub-Saharan Africa’s farmland is (still) cultivated with the hand hoe, and agricultural processing and transport are often done manually. This limits the potential of agriculture in the region.
Mechanization can help to alleviate food shortages and enhance agricultural development. However, this implies high levels of investment for farmers and some risks for rural populations and eco-systems. The necessary financing is especially difficult to access and risky for longer-term agricultural investments such as mechanisation. In addition, there can be trade-offs between mechanisation and employment.
To better understand how mechanization can contribute to food security, this study first assesses the controversial impact of mechanization on rural populations and their environments. In a second step, the difficulty in accessing financing is analysed, distilling success factors for financing mechanisation. Thereby, the study aims at bringing the sectors of agriculture and finance closer together with the overall objective of fighting food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Cet atelier, qui durera toute la journée, a pour but d’engager des réflexions relatives à la transformation de l’agriculture de la sous-région, en vue de favoriser une intensification agricole raisonnée. L’atelier a ainsi pour objectif de formuler des recommandations destinées aux principaux acteurs et tout particulièrement aux décideurs politiques, aux banques et aux organisations de producteurs.
- Cet atelier est organisé en partenariat avec le Ministère de l’Agriculture et de l’Equipement Rural du Sénégal, la Fondation pour l’Agriculture et la Ruralité dans le Monde (FARM) et la Fondation Syngenta pour une Agriculture Durable (FSAD).
Sunday 26 February 2017, the opening day, will bring together African ministers and African institutional partners, who will present their agricultural development strategy.
On Tuesday 28 February 2017, a conference will be held entitled “Agricultural mechanisation in Africa: what strategy for progress?”
Organized by AXEMA and SIMA, with the participation of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the European Agricultural Machinery Committee (CEMA), Bpifrance Export, FNCUMA, and the Pan African Farmers Organizations (PAFO). Feedback from entities operating in Africa will also contribute to this event aimed at African professionals (farmers, breeders) and exhibitors.
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