On 23 of January DG AGRI hosted the meeting which was on pillar I aspects. Around 25 experts from Africa and Europe discussed issues of sustainable intensification and on diversifying farmer’s revenues: converting agricultural waste into products, materials and energy. Presentation from this workshop are available under this link. aAsummary of discussion will be posted later.
Opening session
- Setting the scene: EU-AU R&I cooperation - Nienke Buisman, DG RTD
- Presentation of the EU-Africa Research & Innovation Partnership on Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA) partnership - Agnieszka Romanowicz, DG AGRI
- ProIntensAfrica H2020 project presentation of results - Philippe Petithuguenin (CIRAD)
- Soil – Africa’s hidden treasure - Arwyn Jones, EC DG JRC
- New crops in harsh environments? - Vincent Vadez
- Organic farming & old varieties in Europe - Monika Żurek
Group I: Sustainable intensification II: soil and land management for improving agricultural diversity and preserving biodiversity
- Challenges of Soil Sciences - Erika Michéli
- Management practices to optimise soil water content in Southern Africa - Cornie van Huyssteen
- Sustainable land management and challenges of island regions - Case Study: Cabo Verde ISLANDS - Isaurinda Baptista
- Bringing Systems Science into Assessments of Sustainable Agricultural Intensification - Fergus Sinclair
- Sustainable intensification through improved water management - Helen Macpherson
- ENSET – An orphan crop of the Ethiopian Highlands - Karen Vancampenhout
- Diversifying farmer’s revenue through biorefinery concepts - José Ruiz Espí
- Biorefinery Approach in the EU and beyond - René van Ree
- Integrating Agriculture and Energy Needs - Finding Sustainable Bioenergy Options - Irini Maltsoglou
- Potential of African Agricultural Residues for Biorefinery: Key Findings of Biowaste4SP Project - Richard Bayitse
- Developing the New Bioeconomy for Africa For increased resource efficiency (more food and feed), healthier diets, and improved rural and urban livelihood - Lene Lange
The second day the topics were:
- Agricultural systems and nutrition, what are research and innovation needs for farming systems to deliver better on nutrition?
- Innovations in African speciality food with high nutritional value to supply local urban markets and global markets.
- Research and Innovation for plant based protein food?
- How to reduce food waste along the post-harvest – consumer chain in Africa? Scope for technological and social innovation? Is there a role for bio-based packaging?
- Food Safety – Mycotoxins, including aflatoxin – challenges for research and innovation.
- Agricultural systems and nutrition, what are research and innovation needs for farming systems to deliver better on nutrition?
- Hidden Hunger – Malnutrition and the first 1000 days of life – food based research and innovation needs
- A Food System Approach for Africa – research and innovation needs
- Research and Innovation needs for improved food value chains for local urban markets and global markets
- Research and Innovation for plant based proteins?
- How to reduce food waste along the post-harvest – consumer chain in Africa? Scope for technological and social innovation? Is there a role for bio-based packaging? -
- Food Safety – Mycotoxins, including aflatoxin – challenges for research and innovation - Approaches to Innovation
Extract of the programme:
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