Organised by the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF), a joint programme of Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (DFATD) which have provided a research for development grant totaling CAD $4.45 million (NGN900m) to a multi-disciplinary research team from Osun State University and Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria, Université de Parakouin Benin Republic and Canada’s University of Saskatchewan, University of Manitoba, and a NGO partner, The Green Generation Initiative.
The main objective of the conference was to bring together a global community of stakeholders (the academia, NGO, donor agencies, and industry) working on issues related to African indigenous vegetable to drive the process of promoting entrepreneurial development in the vegetable sector.
- The conference brought together the body of knowledge on African vegetables for collation and archiving.
- The aim of the 2017 Afri-Veg Conferencewas to further our understanding of the challenges faced by the various stakeholders in the vegetable value chain and to recommend best practices that will enable us to overcome these challenges.
- The conference encouraged collaboration and exchange of knowledge and experience among participants.
- The ultimate goal was to encourage women's participation in vegetable value chain, which will have an impact on economic development, and allow greater diversity in household sustenance dynamics.
- Agronomy: soil management, pest and diseases management, water management, pathology, breeding and crop improvement, seed production, cropping systems, conservation and diversity
- Food science and value addition: post-harvest handling, processing, preservation, packaging, food and nutrition, nutraceuticals
- Food security and policy
- Economics and marketing: agribusiness, impact assessment
- Social and culture: gender issues, youth issues, communication and extension
- Communication, dissemination and scaling up approaches, innovation platform
- Technology and innovation in vegetable value chain
Presentations from the PAEPARD supported consortium of Uganda
- Postharvest quality of Solanum aethiopicum (Nakati) leafy vegetables subjected to various handling practices and storage technologies Sekulya, S., Nandutu, A., Ssozi, J., Masanza, M., Kabod, P.,Jagwe, J.N., Kasharu, A., Rees, D. and Kizito, E. B
- Shelf life performance of Solanum aethiopicum (Nakati) leafyvegetables subjected to various postharvest handling and storage conditions Sekulya, S., Nandutu, A., Ssozi, J., Masanza, M., Kabod, P., Jagwe, J.N., Kasharu, A., Rees, D. and Kizito, E. B.
Selection of other abstracts
- Study compared fertilization has basis of chemical fertilizer (urea) and biological (human urine) on the productivity of amaranth (Amaranthus hybridus) in the minicipality of Parakou in Benin north. Tokoreorou mere, S.J., Hermann, M. B. and Degbevi, T. K
- Effects of additive microdose of sodium to fertilizer sources on growth and yield of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) Nnanna P. C, Idowu M. K and Ajayo B. S.
- Comparative Effects of poultry manure and NPK fertilizer on nutritional qualities of green leafy vegetables Alabadan, B. A., Oloye, A. O. and Eseyin, A. O.
- Ethnobotanical investigation of lippia multiflora moldenke, a local aromatic leafy vegetable under domestication in Benin Djengue, H. W., Dansi, A., Adjatin, A., Dossou-Aminon, I. Dansi, M. and Sanni, A.
- Mise au point des conditions optimales de production en pépinière de Crassocephalum crepidioides (Benth.) S. Moore pour sa domestication Dossou, J., Wédjangnon, A. A., Houètchégnon, T. and Ouinsavi, C.
- Non timber forest products governance: Case of Prunus africanain the north west region of Cameroon Anoncho, V. F., Avana-Tientcheu, M., Divine, F. T.
- Low cost technologies for reducing post-harvest losses in Africa (Hassan, S. G.)
- Postharvest quality of Solanum aethiopicum (Nakati) leafy vegetables subjected to various handling practices and storage technologies Sekulya, S., Nandutu, A., Ssozi, J., Masanza, M., Kabod, P.,Jagwe, J.N., Kasharu, A., Rees, D. and Kizito, E. B
- Improved postharvest technologies for marketing AfricanLeafy Vegetables at the urban fresh produce markets Mampholo, M. B., Bvenura, C. and Sivakumar, D.
- Lost and wasted harvest: A case for some indigenous vegetables in Kajola Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria Ogunsina, B.S.
- Shelf life performance of Solanum aethiopicum (Nakati) leafyvegetables subjected to various postharvest handling and storage conditions Sekulya, S., Nandutu, A., Ssozi, J., Masanza, M., Kabod, P., Jagwe, J.N., Kasharu, A., Rees, D. and Kizito, E. B.
- Bringing African traditional vegetables back to the plate to improve dietary quality (Termote, C., Borelli, T., Kennedy, G., Wasike, V., Padulosi S. and Hunter, D.)
- Adaptation and promotion of improved vegetable growing in Uganda (Semalulu O., Ramathan, I., Pariyo, A.,Naggayi, R.G., Kasambula, P.M., Makhosi, P.K., Nakityo, Matovu, R. and Okello, S.)
- Comparative evaluation of potentials of commonly consumed nigerian leafy vegetables for the alleviation of hidden hunger Ojimelukwe , P. C. and Okpalanma, F.N.
- Farmers’ participation in vegetable innovation platforms in south west, Nigeria Lawal, B.O., Akintayo, O.I., Ayoola, O.T., Oyedokun, O., Taiwo, L.B., Oyedele, D.J. and Adebooye, O.C.Using spatial mapping tools to link microveg research to climate change (Minielly, C., Peak, D. and Yanping, L.)
- Analyse des processus de mise en œuvre des approches de dissemination par satellite (DS) et des plateformes d’innovation (PI) de mise a echelle des innovations sur les legumes feuilles traditionnels (LFT) au Benin Ouidoh, F. N., Baco, M. N., Irénikatché, Akponikpe, P. B., Djenontin, A. J. and Sossa-Vihotogbe, C.
- Knowledge, attitude and practices (kap) analysis of under-utilized indigenous vegetables (UIVs) technologies among the southwest nigerian young farmers Olarewaju, B. E., Ayinde, J. O., Torimiro, D. O., Alao, O. T., Oyedele, D. J. and Adebooye, C. O.

22 - 23 November 2017. Livingstone, Zambia. SGCI Forum: Effective public-private partnerships in research and innovation in Africa
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