14-17 November. Addis Ababa. Conference on Land Policy in Africa (CLPA-2017). This second Conference on Land Policy in Africa was hosted by the Land Policy Initiative (LPI), which is a joint initiative of the African Union Commission, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, and the African Development Bank.
The Conference was convened under the theme, 'The Africa We Want: Achieving socioeconomic transformation through inclusive and equitable access to land by the youth,' which supports the African Union declaration of 2017 as the 'Year of Youth'.
CLPA-2017 in Pictures: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4
17 November 2017 Land conference ends with call on Africa to enact policies that will harness youth potential
16 November 2017 Journalists receive training on writing punchy
women’s land rights stories
16 November 2017 Sierra Leone’s land challenges to be addressed by reforms

17 November 2017 Land conference ends with call on Africa to enact policies that will harness youth potential
16 November 2017 Journalists receive training on writing punchy
women’s land rights stories
16 November 2017 Sierra Leone’s land challenges to be addressed by reforms
Master classes:
16 November 2017. Implementation of the FAO Governance of Tenure Technical Guide 6: “Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands. Implementing the VGGT in the Context of National Food Security. - Fiona Flintan; Senior Scientist - Rangelands Governance - International Livestock Research Institute; Mackay Rigava: Land Tenure Officer, FAO
Extracts of the Conference Programme
Focused Roundtable Discussions:
16 November 2017. Implementation of the FAO Governance of Tenure Technical Guide 6: “Improving Governance of Pastoral Lands. Implementing the VGGT in the Context of National Food Security. - Fiona Flintan; Senior Scientist - Rangelands Governance - International Livestock Research Institute; Mackay Rigava: Land Tenure Officer, FAO
Extracts of the Conference Programme
- Paper 3.1: Land Ownership, Youth and Agricultural Performance among Maize Farmers in Republic of Benin - Cocou Jaures Amegnaglo
- Paper 3.2: Integration of Land Tenure Monitoring in Agricultural Development Projects in Malawi Using Geo-Spatial Technologies -Kefasi Kamoyo*, Solomon Mkumbwa, Rex Baluwa and, Harold Liversage,
- Paper 4.1: Lessons on Successful Utilization of Forest Land for Crop Agriculture: Evidence from Kenyan Community Forest Associations. Boscow Okumuyand Edwin Muchapondwa
- Paper 4.3: Trends and Determinants of Food Production in Sudan: An Empirical Analysis (1990-2015)- Mutasim Ahmed Abdelmawla
- Paper 4.4: Securing Rangeland through Youth Pastoral Associations: The case of Pastoralist Program in Tanzania and Selected Examples from Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Cameroon). Zakaria Faustin Shayo
- Paper 6.4: Agricultural transformation and proximity to urban centres: Exploring win-win options for youth involvement in Ethiopia- Tendayi Gondo and Juliet Akola
- Paper 9.1: Land acquisitions and Agribusiness in Africa: Towards mapping a new food and biofuel production capacity and possible jobs for the Youth. Mkpado Mmaduabuchukwu and Egbunonu Chinwe Miriam
- Paper 12.3: The Effect of Land Access on Youth Employment and Migration Decisions: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia - Katrina Kosec,* IFPRI; Hosaena Ghebru, IFPRI; Brian Holtemeyer, IFPRI; Valerie Mueller, IFPRI and Emily Schmidt, IFPRI.
Focused Roundtable Discussions:
How Tech Innovation Can Help Secure Land Rights Across Africa
- Using an Open Platform to Document Land and Resource Rights - Frank Pichel
- Using Community Mapping and Mobile Phones to Provide Legal Documents - Caleb Stevens
- Using Remote Sensing to Monitor Large Scale Agricultural Investments in Ethiopia - Christian Graefen
- Bringing it Together: What Governments Can Do to Best Utilize Promising Tech Advances, to Secure the Land Rights of their Citizens - Jaap Zevenbergen

- Paper 7.1: Plantations, Out-growers and Commercial Farming in Africa: Agricultural Commercialization and Implications for Agrarian Change - Dzodzi Tsikata, Ian Scoones
- Paper 7.2: Land and agricultural commercialization in Meru County, Kenya: evidence from three models - Cyriaque Hakizimana*, Paul Goldsmith, Abdirizak Arale Nunow and Adano Wario Roba
- Paper 7.3: Impacts of land and Agricultural commercialization on local livelihoods in Zambia: evidence from three models - Chrispin Matenga*, Munguzwe Hichaambwa
- Paper 7.4: Agricultural commercialization models, agrarian dynamics and local development in Ghana - Joseph Awetori Yaro*, Joseph Kofi Teye, and Gertrude Dzifa Torvikey
Promising Practices and Lessons in Mainstreaming land
governance at Country level:
- Mainstreaming Land Governance Issues in the Tanzania Agricultural Sector Development Strategy and Tanzania Agriculture and Food Security Investment Plan by Adam Patrick Nyaruhuma, Maria Marealle, Kibamba Lyoba;
- Mainstreaming Land Concerns in Agricultural Strategies and Investments Plans in Malawi by Paul Jere et al.;
- Mainstreaming Land Concerns in Agricultural Strategies and Investments Plans in Madagascar by Rija et a;
- Mainstreaming land governance issues in the Rwanda agricultural strategy and National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) By Serge Sabi Olekoet;
- Mainstreaming land governance issues in the Democratic Republic of Congo Agriculture Strategy and National Agriculture Investment Plan by Floribert Nyamwoga Bayengeha, Paulin Osit, Honoré Belonga Nsampeti and Serge Sabi Oleko ;
- Mainstreaming land governance in agricultural strategy and investment plan in Cote d’Ivoire by Nanakan Quattara et al.
Agricultural Corridors and
Commercialization in Eastern Africa:
Case studies from Kenya, Tanzania and
- Paper 13.1: Corridors: Commercialization and Agricultural Change: Political Economy Dynamics - Rebecca Smalley Paper
- Paper 13.2: State Visions for Productive Peripheries: The Case of LAPSSET in Kenya - Ngala Chome
- Paper 13.3: A plot of land along the corridor: Youth Bureaucracy and planning of land uses in Nampula and Beira, Mozambique - Euclides Goncalves.
- 13.4: The politics of Tanzania’s agricultural growth corridor: Implications for small-scale producers and pathways for rural livelihoods - Emmanuel Sulle
The ‘MATASA FELLOWS” -Africa’s Youth
Employment Challenge: New
- Paper 19.1: Land Rights and Youth Employment in Uganda - Victoria Namuggala*
- 19.2: Youth Participation in Livestock Production and Marketing in Rural Kenya -Edna Mutua
- Paper 19.3: Land Rights, LandBased Innovations, and Diversified Agricultural Livelihoods for Young People in Kenya. -Grace Mwaura
- Paper 19.4: Characteristics and performance of emergent farmers in Zambia: A. Chapoto Lapri & D. Banda, Ministry of Agriculture, Zambia

Side events:
Partnering For Improved Training and Research on Land Governance in Africa
The project Strengthening Advisory Capacities for Land Governance in Africa runs from 2014 to 2021 and is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).
Agricultural Policy Research in Africa (APRA) Program Launch Event

- Operating across three complimentary work streams, the APRA programme will work in six focal countries, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Nigeria, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, with two additional countries, Kenya and Mozambique.
- The consortium includes regional hubs at the Centre for African Bio-Entrepreneurship (CABE), Kenya, the Institute for Poverty, Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), South Africa, and the University of Ghana, Legon, as well as partners at Lund University, Sweden, and Michigan State University and Tufts University, USA.
- With headquarters at the Institute of Development Studies, APRA will run from 2016 to 2021 and is funded by the Department for International Development (DFID). The consortium will offer high-quality evidence and policy advice that makes a difference in crucial areas of central importance in sub-Saharan Africa.
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