The main conference objectives were to:
- Share results and lessons on the contribution of R&I projects to food systems transformation in LMICs through the experiences of UE interventions and similar other international interventions.
- Identify key enablers and hurdles for innovation at scale for productive, inclusive, and sustainable investments into agrifood systems.
- Explore future contributions of R&I for agrifood systems transformation, innovation system strengthening and innovation policies in support of development agendas (SDGs, post Malabo, Science Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa, EU Global Gateway strategy).
- Inform policy makers and provide recommendations on improved complementarity and synergy of EU mechanisms and approaches to support R&I at scale in partner countries, including inputs to the EU-Africa R&I Partnership on FNSSA.
- Day 1 (March 11) EU -funded interventions and other international interventions aiming at supporting innovation in agri-food systems
- Day 2 (March 12) morning: How to support innovation at scale
- Day 2 (March 12) afternoon High-level discussions on on-going and future EU policies
- Day 3 (March 13) Special sessions: the International Research Consortium, SCAR-ARCH meeting, AU/EU Working group on the Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture, DeSIRA+ and the GLOBAL NARS CONSORTIUM (GNC) launched by the Global Forum for Agricultural and Innovation Research (GFAiR, see picture: GFAIR's vice chair Romano de Vivo in conversation with Hans-Jorg Lutzeyer DG RTD)
Extracts of day 1.
SESSION 3: Frame the EU R&I landscape and its instruments (relevance, success, limits)
This session illustrated the EU capacities to collaborate with partners and to evolve to better address the challenges, with key lessons learnt and recommendations for the future. The panel focused on Europe and Africa partnerships.
Dialogue between European partners and African partners:
- Bernard Mallet: CIRAD, CEA-FIRST (Presentation)
- Nienke Buisman, Head of Unit of International cooperation Asia, Pacific, Africa, Middle East” in
the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation”, European Commission - Aggrey Agumya: Executive Director and Head of Mission of FARA
- Luis Viva-Alegre: Team leader of the unit “Research and Innovation” of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission
- Peter Werheim, Head of Unit of “Food Systems and Bioeconomy” in the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
- Agnieszka Skuratowicz, Head of Unit ” Youth, Education and Research, Culture” in the Directorate-General for International Partnership, European Commission
- Mathieu Le Grix: AFD, Responsable de la division Agriculture, développement rural et biodiversité
- Stephen Onakuse: President of AGRINATURA
- Patrick Okori: Executive Secretary of RUFORUM
- Mahaman Bachir Saley, AU, Officer-in-Charge of the Science, Technology and Innovation Division of ESTI Department
SESSION 4: Recommendations on R&I harvested during the DeSIRA Connect Days (Latin America, Africa, Asia)
- Presentation by Renaud Guillonnet, DeSIRA LIFT
Feedback from the regional organization: regional perspectives of the recommendations harvested during the the DeSIRA Connect Days (Latin America, Africa, Asia)
- East Africa: Rosinah Mbenya (PELUM)
- West Africa: Fatou Dieng (CORAF)
- Asia: Khahil Apuzen-Ito (Farmcoop)
- Latin America: Juliana Cardona (SINCHI)
SESSION 6 Agroecology based research & innovation for food system transitions
- Presentation by Oliver Oliveros, Agroecology Coalition
How agroecology is contributing to food systems transformations? Which type of innovations are needed to make agroecology a change-maker? What is the role of R&I in supporting agroecological innovations?
PARALLEL SESSION Group 3: AE Innovation for nutrition
How to improve nutrition by valorizing neglected and underutilized crops (NUS) based on agroecological approaches from production to consumption?
- Etienne Basset, SwissAid, Switzerland (Presentation)
PARALLEL SESSION Group 4: Innovation and bio-inputs
What are the innovative technologies for bio-inputs, the new markets, and the challenges (technology, capacity, funding, policy)
- Thomas Dubois, ICIPE, Kenya
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