Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Monday, March 17, 2025

Day 2: Conference on 'Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale'

11-13 March 2025. Brussels. Conference on ´Boosting agrifood research and innovation cooperation for impact at scale

Extract of Day 2

How to support innovation at scale for productive, inclusive and sustainable food system transformation and potential contribution of research

Frame the conditions to foster innovation at scale by making use of R&I outcomes and mobilizing research capacities through (i) AIS strengthening and enabling policies, (ii) funding mechanisms (public and private) and access to markets, (iii) capacity strengthening for improved Agricultural Innovation Systems.
  • Guy Faure, DG INTPA (Presentation): DeSIRA recommendation : Access to a diversity of public and private finance to support innovation at different phase of development was missing to support the scaling efforts of many DeSIRA projects.

Breakout sessions - How do actors understand and address the scaling of innovation?

Session 1: Supporting innovations at scale through policies, policy frameworks and strategies: Boru Douthwaite, Selkie Consulting Limited. (Presentation)

Session 2: Supporting innovations at scale through relevant funding mechanisms and markets: Elise Juguet, Horus Development Finance (Presentation: see below). Elise Juguet, a development and agriculture finance expert, has worked in impact investing, consulting, and financial access. In 2024, she led DeSIRA-LIFT’s project on funding responsible innovation for agrifood system transformation in Africa.

Conclusion of this session: How to mobilise public and private funding to support innovation from start-up to scale up ?
  • Design institutions and funding mechanisms that support long-term and equal R&I partnerships with the aim to maintain the successful R&I partnerships.
  • Strengthen public-private partnerships and their institutionalisation able to mobilise blended finance to support responsible innovation at scale with a specific focus on social inclusion and gender equity

Session 3: Supporting innovation at scale through capacity strengthening for improved Agricultural Innovation System. Syndhia Mathe, CIRAD. (Presentation)

High-level panel:: Pathways for future interventions (in support of innovation for productive, green and inclusive food systems transformations

This panel discussed  improving synergies and complementarities between various EU supports to R&I and by mobilizing public and private funding mechanisms.
  • Diego Canga Fano: Acting Deputy Director-General at DG AGRI
  • Fenton Beed, IFAD, Lead Global Technical Specialist
  • Vincent Martin, FAO: Director of Office of Innovation
  • David Amudavi, Biovision Africa Trust, executive director
  • Joyce Kamande, Safi Organics, Kenya, organic fertilizer and bio-inputs
  • Belinda Borck, Global Public Policy Coordinator & Chocolonely Foundation Manager Tony’ Chocolonely (NL)
  • Christophe Clergeau, Member of the European Parliament
  • Rosalinda Scalia, Deputy Head of Unit Bioeconomy and Food Systems, DG RTD, European Commission
  • Arouna Lawani, Vice president of ROPPA, president of PNOPPAB, West Africa

The future EU interventions on R&I to support the Global Gateway Strategy and the AU-EU Innovation Agenda

  • DeSIRA+, Christophe Larose, team Leader Sustainable Agriculture in the Unit “Sustainable Agri-Food systems and Fisheries “ in Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Commission (Presentation)
  • ERASMUS+, Annica Floren, deputy Head of Unit in charge of Youth, Education and Research, Culture at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for International Partnerships. (Presentation)
  • HE work programme 25-27, Luis Vivas Alegre, Team leader of the unit “Research and Innovation” of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, European Commission (Presentation)

DeSIRA-LIFT Synthesis Brief (4-pages)

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