27 - 28 March 2024. Financing Agriculture Sustainably Conference (Finas 2024)
The financing ecosystem in most of sub-Sahara Africa has barely scratched the surface
when it comes to the development of demand driven agricultural financing solutions. Subse- quently, there is a converse relationship between Agriculture finance investment and the
sectors’ contribution to the GDP. The void comes along with some challenges that span
managing risks, high transaction costs in dealing with large number of small farmers, and
micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), lack of expertise to backstop agricultural loan
portfolios, amongst others.
Agri-FinTechs transform farmers’ access to rural credit, solve payment
challenges in largely cash-based econo- mies, help improve commercial experiences
for both agricultural enterprises and their
customers, and scale the understanding
and mitigation of the industry risks.
Extracts of the program
Scaling financial access through Digitalization of the Agriculture Value Chain
The aim is to highlight the need for AVC digitalization, to scale access to agriculture investment
thereby enabling an inclusive digital economy. The discussion will focus on the current environment
and existing frameworks for digitalization and articulate ideas on how we can make the agricultural
digital economy more vibrant.
Positioning Research to better Support Decision-making on Sustainable Investments and Financing of the agricultural sector.
Data is critical for supporting evidence-based decisions on performance management, monitoring and
evaluation, research, and policy. Poor access to useable and shareable data is the biggest drawbacks to
ensuring better decision making on prioritizing funding of agricultural research.
The remarks will seek to highlight the role research and data in making sound investment decisions.
Sustainably Funding Agriculture Research.
The session seeks to prescribe mechanisms to fund agricultural research adequately and sustainably.
Considerations will include support for basic and fundamental research, upscaling and outscaling
research outcomes and commercializing research outputs as a funding mechanism.
The Hidden Middle: Financing agricultural MSME’s
This session aspires to bring out the role of the private sector in the achievement of a financial
system that delivers value for need and takes into consideration gender inclusivity. Examples of
ongoing initiatives aimed at increasing private sector participation will also be highlighted.
Financing Infrastructure for Agribusiness Progression
The session will look into approaches and benefits of supporting infrastructural development
as a key driver of agribusiness in Africa. It will provide examples of success stories primarily
facilitating trade in Kenya and within the EAC region.
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