Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin

6 - 10 March 2023. 2nd International Conference on Biodiversity in the Congo Basin

The strong involvement of the local and regional stakeholders during the first conference in 2014, organised mainly with Belgian financial support, and the subsequent activities in the region have drawn the attention of several international stakeholders who expressed interest to support or become involved in a second edition of such a conference.

With the support of the Belgian Development Cooperation an international conference will be convened to address current and future challenges such as the periodically emerging epidemies from zoonotic origin, global climate changes, massive deforestation, biodiversity loss, as well as the steep demographic growth in the region. Discussing these issues requires the mobilisation of novel science-based answers and their translation into adequate policy measures.

The conference aims at:
  1. Enhancing awareness and motivation among (inter)national and provincial political authorities to increase their efforts to safeguard the Congo Basin and its unique fauna and flora in view of the increasing demographic pressure and economic development with its effects on the use of renewable natural resources and the potential threats to human health that may come with it.
  2. Strengthening the existing local and international network of scientists, civil society and policy makers.
  3. Strengthening links between the climate-biodiversity and health research.
  4. Promoting the public availability of the data related to the exploitation of renewable natural resources publicly available among local authorities.
Abstract book

Extracts of the programme


  • Local perceptions of tropical forest ecosystem services, insights from Africa Gerard Imani, Université officielle de Bukavu, RDC & Aida Cuni Sanchez, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norvège 
  • Africa Dendrochronological Field school: A tool for Capacity Building and Enhancing Ecological Research Justine NGOMA, The Copperbelt University, Zambia 
  • Conservation de la biodiversité et développement des pays africains Inza KONE, Swiss Center for Scientific Research in Côte d’Ivoire 
  • Réduire l’écart : un aperçu des besoins Benjamin TOIRAMBE, Secrétaire Général, Ministère de l’Environnement et Développement Durable, RDC 

09/03 Keynote Speakers

  • Pathways to understand and relieve pressure on Congo Basin forest’s natural capital Pascal BOECKX, Université de Gand, Belgique 
  • Aires et territoires conservés par les peuples autochtones pygmées et communautés locales (APAC), une opportunité a l’atteinte de l’objectif 30×30 du nouveau cadre mondial post 2020 sur la biodiversité Léonard BOMBOLO BOSENGE, ANAPAC RDC 
  • L’interface Science – Politique en matière de biodiversité Hugues AKPONA, African Parks Network, Bénin 

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