Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Friday, May 31, 2024

Navigating Co-Investment Grants: Lessons from Market Systems Development Programs

30 May 2024. Navigating Co-Investment Grants: Lessons from Market Systems Development Programs

  • Experts from programs in Rwanda, Serbia, and Southern Africa shared how they have supported enterprises with co-investment grants using a market systems development approach. 
  • The webinar will examine initial phases of co-investment grant partnerships, with lessons learned from three USAID-funded market systems programs, implemented by ACDI/VOCA, DAI, and Land O’Lakes Venture37.
  • Panelists shared experiences, tips, and best practices for successful design and management of grants, such as understanding the opportunity, developing a systems strategy vision, spurring initial private sector engagement, selecting a solicitation mechanism, and partnering on co-creation, or co-design.

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