Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Producers’ and SMEs Innovations in Agroecology for Sustainable Agrifood Systems

10 May 2023
The 13th session of the Innovations Series: Producers’ and SMEs Innovations in Agroecology for Sustainable Agrifood Systems.

The program note for the session is available here.

During this Innovations Session, producers and SMEs showcased how their business models are driving
agro-ecological transitions and building the resilience of the agri-food system. These innovative models are designed to address the many challenges affecting food and nutrition security, biodiversity, and natural resource availability. By adopting these models, agriculture can create new opportunities to have a positive impact on the environment and enhance food security.
  • Agroecology is a holistic and integrated approach to transitioning towards a sustainable food system that ensures food security and nutrition for all, while preserving economic, social, and environmental resources for future generations. 
  • Farmers and other actors in the value chain play a critical role in the development of sustainable agri-food systems through the application of ecological and social concepts and principles. 
  • This includes the valorization of waste to create valuable and affordable organic agricultural inputs for farmers. 
  • This includes also, training and encouraging farmers to adopt agricultural practices that promote soil health, biological pest control, crop diversification, and integration of natural elements.
The 13th session of the Innovations series offered participants the opportunity to gain insights from a diverse panel of farmers and entrepreneurs, as well as experts from the public and private sectors who are working to promote agroecology. The event provided a platform for participants to share their experiences, exchange contacts, and connect with individuals from across the African continent and beyond who share a common interest in promoting sustainable, equitable, and effective food systems. 

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