29 April 2024. 11:00 am - 1:00 pm CET / Kigali Time / GMT +2 Nationally Determined Contributions NDCs– What's in it for you and your Farmers’ Organization?
- As part of the UNFCCC online series organized by PAFO, in collaboration with FFD, and AHA
29 - 30 April 2024. European University Alliances: Drivers of Change and Innovation in Higher Education
- 30/04 @16h30-17h30 CET. VLIR-UOS Panel discussion on Global Partnerships for EU higher education and European alliances. Panelists include the directors of DGD and of directorate G of DG INTPA, the rector of UNIKIN, and policy makers from universities in Cuba, DRC, Ecuador and South Africa.
2 May 2024. 12:00 pm CET We the Changemakers”: Launching Event of the Facilitators Guide to Empowering Youth Changemakers for Agroecology
- launch event for a facilitators' guidebook on youth and agroecology which has been developed by partner organisations of DKA Austria in South Asia through the RAISE Consortium.
- The RAISE Consortium is a network of networks supported by the Swiss Development Cooperation.
- This guidebook sheds light on the often-overlooked importance of children and youth as essential stakeholders in transformative change processes. It emphasizes active citizenship and youth empowerment and engages adolescents and youth for agroecology based on various modules.
- The guidebook is intended for facilitators in rural areas. It includes a collection of methods anchored in the 13 Principles of Agroecology and a food systems perspective and is based on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA). It has been developed with the participation of local youth and facilitators.
- The launching event will present the guidebook and present perspectives of youths who had been part of its development.
- It will also look at other experiences of networks from the Philippines (SEARICE) and Africa (Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa) and their work on youth and agroecology.
2 May 2024. @10:00am EDT, 3:00 pm CET Hybrid Policy Seminar, Sudan at a Crossroads: Food Systems, Hunger, and Humanitarian Aid During Civil Conflict
2 May 2024. (10:30am New York, 2:30pm Accra, 3:30pm CET, 5:30pm Nairobi) Participatory Methods to Document Traditional and Indigenous Peoples Food Systems and Traditional Knowledge to Promote Healthy and Sustainable Diets.
- This is the first of a 3-part webinar series on “Food and Knowledge Systems of Indigenous Peoples to Advance Healthy and Sustainable Diets,” co-hosted by The Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT, and Ag2Nut.
- Register at: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jG_mwAp3S-y3K16KyLVr4Q
3 May 2024, at 1500 EAT/1200 GMT. African solutions: Agroecological fertilizer for healthy soils & healthy communities
- The webinar will cover a range of topics including the drawbacks of traditional industrial agriculture and the advantages of adopting agroecology, the role of local governments in advancing agroecological policies, and the processes involved in the production, certification, and testing of biofertilizers within Kenya and Zambia.
- Additionally, it will delve into Kenya's holistic farming system strategies and the transition towards agroecology.
- The discussions will also highlight the relationship between soil health and climate change, the progress in bio-fertiliser technology in Africa, and biofertilizer-related research in Southern Africa.
- Featured Speakers: 1) Dr Million Belay (AFSA) via recording - Transitioning to agroecology, 2) Mamadou Goita (IRPAD) - The failure of industrial agriculture (specifically synthetic fertilizers) and the need for viable alternatives. 3) Ester Bett (RODI Kenya) Kenya is proudly pioneering biofertilizer production, certification, and use. 4) Daniel Gitahi (Muranga County Agriculture Director) - Why Muranga County is embracing agroecology. 5) Blessing Magonziwa (University of Harare) - Biofertilizer research in Southern Africa. 6) Henry Chinutu- National Coordinator, SCOPE Zambia - Agroecology in practice in Zambia.
6 May 2024. at 10:00 GMT or 13:00 EAT. Digital Tools to Drive Market Access & Manage Ag Value Chains
- ESOKO Ltd, Accra, Ghana
- This webinar aims at sharing experiences and lessons learnt from the DigiMakt project being implemented by Esoko in the Bono East and Oti Regions of Ghana.
- The project seeks to digitize the entire agricultural value chain.
- It will also discuss the opportunities and challenges encountered in the implementation while it explores the prospects for stakeholders in the Agricultural value chain.
7 May 2024 Online session of Water School Africa (WSA)
7 May 2024 @3:00 pm CET. Hybrid Policy Seminar, Globalization of the Bioeconomy: Recent Trends and Drivers of Bioeconomy Programs and Policies by IFPRI
7 – 9 May 2024. Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit (AFSH24)
- The Objective of the Summit is to bring together all relevant stakeholders to highlight the crucial role of fertilizer and soil health in stimulating sustainable pro-poor productivity growth in African agriculture and to agree on an African Fertilizer and Soil Health Action Plan, as well as the Soils Initiative for Africa.
- Related: 25 – 28 September 2024 Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data Nanjing, China |
- 1/12/2023 Soil laboratory technicians joined efforts to improve the quality of soil data in sub-Saharan Africa
- 16/04 The potential of organic and biofertilizers for soil health management in Africa Recorded
- 23-25 April 2024, Dakar, Senegal International Conference on Sustainable Intensification of Soils and Agroecosystems
- 25/04 EU Missions & cross-cutting activities: A Soil Deal for Europe Mission Recorded
- 25/04 Soil health and global food security: Research & innovation
- 25/04 Africa Fertilizer and Soil Health Summit - Delivering the Action Plan to 2034 Recorded
- 25/04 Fertilizers, soil health and food security in Sub-Saharan Africa Recorded
- 25/04 Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Soil Health Recorded
- 02/05 Launch of the ‘Living Soils initiative’ in Africa Recorded
- 03/05 African solutions: Agroecological fertilizer for healthy soils & healthy communities
Extracts Side events AFSH24
7 May. Side event 4. 14:00 – 15:30. Reflections on Donors and Development Webinar
- Partner Coordination Mechanism for SIA and AFSH-Action Plan
7 May. 14:00–15:30 African Agroecological Fertilizers for Healthy Soils & Healthy Communities Webinar
- AFSA Side event
- The event will highlight the benefits of agroecological practices and biofertilizer innovations happening across Africa will feature presentations from Kenyan agroecology centres and a government official
- Speakers: Anne Maina - Biodiversity and Biosafety Association of Kenya, Bridget Mugambe - Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, Esther Bett - RODI Kenya, David Karanja - Organic Agriculture Centre of Kenya, Ferdinand Wafula - Bio Gardening Innovations, Daniel Gitahi - Director of Agriculture Strategy, Murang’a County Government
7 May. Side Event 7: 14:00 - 15:30 What Business and Industry can do to help Implement the 10-YearAction Plan Webinar - by AFAP-IFA Side Event (see program in the link)
7 May. Side Event 8: 15:30 (14:30 CET) Upscaling the Promises of Agroecology to deliver Sustained Soil Health in Africa Webinar
- Lead Organizer: CCARDESA Co-organizer: ASARECA, CORAF, AFAAS, FARA and IFAD (CAADP XP4 Institutions)
7 May. Side Event 16: 14:00–15:30 Integrated soil health management for productive, inclusive, sustainable farming and food systems in Africa: Exploring the role of agroecology and regenerative agriculture
- by DeSIRA-Lift and IFAD
- Speakers and panelists include: Fergus Sinclair (CIFOR-ICRAF), James Wangu (WRI), Annick Sezibera (CAPAD), Talash Huijbers (Insecti Pro) and Kishero Oliver (coffee farmer)
7 May. Side event 31: Importance and benefits of integrated landscape soil and water management to
optimize fertilizer use and soil health across agricultural land uses.
7 May. Side event 34: 15:30 - 17:15 (East Africa Time) Achieving Resilient Agri-Food Systems through Regenerative Agriculture in the Wake of Global Fertilizer Crises and Climate Change: Innovations and approaches for Improving Soil Health and Sustainable Intensification by: Sasakawa Africa Association
8 May. Side event 37: 14:00 – 15:30 Monitoring soil health and soil health investments at different scales. By: EC (DG INTPA)
8 May. Side event 39: 14:00 – 15:30 Using mineral fertilizers in agroecological approaches in Africa
Organization: CIRAD + Agrinatura partners. This side event is proposed as part of the SASi-SPi Science-Policy Interface project with the European Union.
8 May. Side event 49. 14:00 – 15:30 Agroecological and Organic Farming Systems in Africa– transformation towards System Resilience and Sustainable Production and Consumption
- Lawns tent 4 at KICC-Nairobi Kenya _ #AFSH24 Side Event
- Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) through The Knowledge Hub for Organic Agriculture and Agroecology in Eastern Africa (KHEA) and the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA-I), in partnership with the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL)
8 May. Side event 59: 14:00 – 15:30. Envisioning the Role of African Research and Training Institutions in Shaping PolicyReforms for Fertilizer and Soil Health Programmes Across Africa
Extract Main events
- Keynote Presenter: Dr. Barnard Vanlauwe: (IITA) Rapporteur: Dr Liesl Wiese-Rozanov: (FARA) Panelists: Dr. Anne Muriuki: (KALRO/AfSP) Dr. Leigh Ann Winowiecki: (ICRAF/CA4SH) Dr. Shamie Zingore: (APNI) Dr. Tilahun Amede: (AGRA)
8 May. 11:30. Parallel Session H: Emerging opportunities with organic and biofertilizers
for soil health in Africa
- Facilitator: Dr. Nelida Ale: (IFAD) Keynote Presenter: Prof. Bernhard Freyer: (Institute of Organic Farming, BOKU University of Natural Resources) Panelists: Ms. Carla Montesi: (EU DG/INTPA) Dr. Abdou Tenkouano: (ICIPE) IFAD Representative, ESA Dr. D. Amundavi: (Biovision Africa Trust) Representative SME operator in organic/ biofertilizers – Real IPM Company Kenya Mr. Ibrahima Coulibaly: (PAFO)
7 -10 May 2024. Abuja, Nigeria. Open Source in Energy Access Symposium
8 May 2024. Nudging the local financial market place
8 May 2024. Nudging the local financial market place
- Financial service providers like commercial banks, non-bank financial institutions, cooperatives and microfinance institutions are front-line couriers of loans in local currencies to agricultural SMEs in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Given their wide coverage in local markets, financial incentives such as guarantees or first loss facilities that are meant to entice them to extend more loans to these enterprises are growing in popularity.
- But what level and types of incentives work best for banks in Africa? Which other incentives have worked elsewhere that may be applied in the region? Will financial incentives change their behaviour in the long term?
- The third and final session of ‘Backing the Middle’ will unpack these questions.
- The Agriculture Sector Network (ASNET), in partnership with the East African Business Council (EABC) with support from the GIZ Program Agency for Business and Economic Development
- The East Africa Carbon Markets Forum - a premier event bringing together key stakeholders in the region's carbon markets.
- This forum serves as a dynamic platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and actionable discussions aimed at advancing sustainable development goals through carbon market initiatives.
13 May 2024. Gene edited foods and genetic diversity
13 – 17 May 2024. World Bank Land Conference 2024: Securing Land Tenure and Access for Climate Action
13 – 17 May 2024. World Bank Land Conference 2024: Securing Land Tenure and Access for Climate Action
- Foresight study titled "Harvesting Change: Leveraging Emerging Technologies and Innovations for Agrifood System Transformation."
- This study investigates a compelling future scenario named "AI in Charge," which imagines AI's potential to drive policymaking and governance, fostering sustainability, resilience, and inclusivity in food production.
- This webinar is part of the FAO series, "Policy Frontiers: Igniting Agrifood Innovation Agendas," a key initiative within the FAO Office of Innovation's framework, "Innovating Forward."
14 May 2024. 2:30 pm to 5 pm. Hybrid event- Family farming and climate-resilient agrifood systems
- The discussion about the future of family farming will bring together academics, policymakers and family farmers to reflect together on the ways family farmers can be the foundation of sustainable and inclusive agrifood systems that can simultaneously provide economic and social opportunities, protect the ecosystems and natural resources upon which agriculture depends and respect the cultural and social diversity of territories.
15-17 May 2024. From Climate Crisis to Climate Resilience.
16 May 2024. Designing and Implementing AgTech Innovation challenges and Competitions (AICC)
17 May 2024.Evidence-Based Approaches to Building Small-Scale Farmers’ Climate Resiliency
20 May 2024. 03:00 PM. Fintech Startups Shaping the Future Inclusive Agrifood Systems
- A 3-day Joint Pontifical Academy of Sciences (PAS) and Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences (PASS) Workshop Summit for bending the curve and bouncing back
16 May 2024. 03:00 PM CET Launch of Landscape Restoration Guidebook for Planners and practitioners
- This webinar aims at discussing and illustrating how Fintech startups are playing a key role in shaping the future of the agrifood system through the provision of accessible and efficient financial services for smallholder farmers and ensuring that Fintech development is inclusive and accountable.
- The panels from development partners, startup founders, and the private sector will expect to share their experience and way forward to strengthen the ecosystem as well as solutions for the challenge
- Follow live stream of the event
- Sutton, William R.; Lotsch, Alexander; Prasann, Ashesh. 2024. Recipe for a Livable Planet: Achieving Net Zero Emissions in the Agrifood System. Agriculture and Food Series. Conference Edition. © Washington, DC: World Bank. http://hdl.handle.net/10986/41468
22 May at 15:00 CAT. Transforming urban food systems: Unlocking the potential of open innovation in African cities,
- hosted by ICLEI as part of the RISE Africa Festival and in the framework of AfriFOODlinks.
22 May 2024. 9:00 am EDT / 3:00 pm CEST. Unlocking Finance for Climate-Vulnerable Nations at COP29 and Beyond
23 May 2024 | 14:00 GMT (UK time); Enabling Living Income through Responsible Purchasing Practices | Hosted by LICoP
27-31 May 2024 WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event Geneva
- Register here for the event.
- Learn more about WSIS here.
27 - 31 May, 2024 | Valencia, Spain. Salt-affected soils: threats and potentials
28 – 30 May 2024. ICTforAg 2024
- After a long period of eerie silence on the topic of land grabbing, the study analyses important current issues surrounding the control of and access to land.
- Huge areas of agricultural land are now being bought up for carbon offsetting projects and other forms of "green grabbing". Land inequality is increasing in all regions of the world and farmers and local communities who are important for food security and who manage the land are being displaced.
- On 28 May, IPES-Food and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation will discuss the results of the study in a joint online event
- The report is available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese and can be found in the various languages here.
- This talk will explore how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues create opportunities for international cooperation between the public and private sectors to fund the multi-trillion-dollar investments needed to achieve ESG goals.
- 14:00 CEST, at the Oval Room (IFAD Headquarters, Rome) & via Zoom.
29 May 2024. @9:30am EDT) Hybrid Global Launch, 2024 Global Food Policy Report: Improving Diets and Nutrition through Food Systems: What Will it Take?
29 May 2024. EU Green Week 2024: Towards a water resilient Europe
- The series will comprise seven virtual workshops that will focus on topics related to the priority areas of the AU-EU cooperation in Research and Innovation: Public Health, Green Transition, Innovation & Technology and Capacities for Science and will offer working and interactive sessions, including AU-EU Deep Tech training modules.
- The next Workshop will focus on Access to finance for innovators.
- Related publication ECDPM (2024) Creating an enabling environment for developing and deploying market-ready science-based innovations for sustainable food systems
- Without working capital, it is difficult to run a business at any scale.
- This webinar will tackle the dysfunctions of food systems and innovating to make credit available to food producers and agroecology businesses: what and who credit is for and how to design it to be accessible.
- This second webinar of the Agroecology Fund’s series on "Agroecology Economies".
- Speakers:
- Northern Cooperative Development Bank (NCDB), Sri Lanka: Cooperative credit schemes
- Concertation Nationale des Organisations Paysannes au Cameroun (CNOP-CAM), Cameroon: Revolving funds mechanisms
- FINAPOP, Brazil: A platform for connecting investors and farmers cooperatives
- Associação de Cooperação Agrícola e Reforma Agrária do Paraná (ACAP/PR), Brazil: Leveraging public funds for agroecology
- Dr. Rajeswari Raina, Shiv Nadar University, India: Financing the agroecological transition in India
30 May 2024 |Understanding the new dynamics of agri food trade
30 May 2024. 15:00 - 16:15 CET Navigating Co-Investment Grants: Lessons from Market Systems Development Programs
- Experts from programs in Rwanda, Serbia, and Southern Africa will share how they have supported enterprises with co-investment grants using a market systems development approach. The webinar will examine initial phases of co-investment grant partnerships, with lessons learned from three USAID-funded market systems programs, implemented by ACDI/VOCA, DAI, and Land O’Lakes Venture37.
- Panelists will share experiences, tips, and best practices for successful design and management of grants, such as understanding the opportunity, developing a systems strategy vision, spurring initial private sector engagement, selecting a solicitation mechanism, and partnering on co-creation, or co-design.
- A South-South collaboration between India and Kenya, involving agtech companies, can leverage India's experience in DFS and agricultural technology to enhance Kenyan providers' capabilities.
- In collaboration with BMGF, this "What's Cooking?" webinar will focus on DFS, highlighting their role in economic growth by enabling efficient, secure transactions and fostering innovation.
- The webinar features three mature Indian agri-tech companies: Whrrl, a blockchain-driven lending platform; Dvara E-Registry, offering tailored financial solutions; and Satsure, leveraging space technology to inform farmers. Each will present unique problem statements, solutions, and plans for adaptability in Kenya and scaling in Africa. Discover how these enterprises are transforming the DFS landscape and creating new regional partnerships and growth opportunities.
3–13 June 2024, Bonn, Germany UNFCCC | Bonn Climate Change Conference SB60
4 June 2024. Water School Africa (WSA)
- The session will hear about SCOPE Kenya’s work, with a focus on water harvesting and management for enhanced land regeneration, and food production and biodiversity conservation among school communities.
- schools which have excelled well in putting up rain surface runoff management systems, resulting in reduced soil erosion, and increased regreening of their landscapes,
- Meeting ID: 875 4508 1076
4 June 2024 at 2-3pm CEST. Biological solutions for sustainable agriculture: How agri-food stakeholders can efficiently scale, accelerate and unlock innovation
5 June 2024. Exploring Agroecology: Current Insights and Emerging Research Frontiers
- See also part one and part two of the ‘Focus on Farmers’ webinar series hosted in partnership with Bayer Crop Science
4 June 2024. 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM CEST Webinar on Artificial Intelligence Innovations in Future Farming and Food
- The conversation will centre around data-driven technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) and how they are revolutionizing farming and food production practices.
- Panelists will highlight real-world applications such as precision farming, predictive analytics for crop and livestock management, and AI-driven food supply chain optimization.
- The panelists will also discuss emerging technologies such as generative AI, digital twins, and other innovative solutions and their applications in the agriculture and food sector.
- The Webinar is part of the RUFORUM 2024 Triennial Pre-Conference Webinar series.
4-6 June 2024. High-level ARISE Scientific Convening
- ARISE is an innovative Research and Innovation (R&I) support programme implemented by the AAS with support from the African Union Commission (AUC) and the European Commission (EC).
6 June 2024. 02:30 PM CET. Roundtable discussion: Ag-techs targeting micro and small agripreneurs
6 June 2024, Bonn, Germany, and online. GLF & CIFOR-ICRAF | GLF Peatlands: Building Bridges, Sharing Success
6 June 2024. @21:00 How to Measure Soil Health (STC -Webinar)
- The International "4 per 1000" Initaitive
10 June 2024. Nairobi, Kenya Africa Future Food Summit
12/13 June 2024. - GIA Grassroots Innovations Assembly for Agroecology
- Wednesday, June 12th 9 am PT / 6 pm CEST Registration Link for June 12th
- Thursday, June 13th 11 am CEST / 12 pm (noon) Nairobi time / 3:30 pm New Delhi time / 4 pm Jakarta time Registration Link for June 13th
- The REPORT You will find the link to the report here. Drawing from a foundation of food sovereignty, agroecology and the Rights of people to define their food systems, GIA has been created (2023) to defend technological autonomy as a powerful tool to strengthen small-scale food producers globally and improve resilience, autonomy and sovereignty
12 - 15 June 2024 31st Afreximbank Annual Meetings
12 - 15 June 2024. Afreximbank Annual Meetings (AAM2024), taking place in Nassau, The Bahamas
- Panel: Introductory remarks by UN Agency; presentations by: Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers’ Associations of Brazil, China, India, and Europe.
- The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email: info@africamechanize.org
- Resource: Towards inclusive mechanization? Two-wheel tractor-based service markets in Ethiopia, Burkina Faso, and Zimbabwe https://www.emerald.com/insight/publication/issn/2044-0839
17 to 20 June 2024. ANH2024 (Online) Learning Labs
18 to 20 June 2024, in Brussels. Focus-Africa, Down2Earth and CONFER Horizon-Europe projects final conference
- This (invitation only) gathering will bring together leading experts and stakeholders to share insights and discuss the future of climate services in Africa.
- fourth FOCUS-Africa Stakeholder Workshop took take in Mozambique in May 2023: Watch the video + Read the report
- December 2023: MultiHazards Advisory Centre at the African Center of Meteorological Application for Development (ACMAD) Africa - Watch the recording
23 June 2024. IUFRO World Congress 2024 - Forests and Society Towards 2050, Stockholm, Sweden
24 June 2024. SUN Movement Global Gathering 2024
24 June 2024. SUN Movement Global Gathering 2024
- The SUN Movement Global Gathering is the Movement’s flagship event and one of the largest international gatherings within the nutrition community.
- Developments in the theory and the applications of counterfactual methods for policy impact evaluation. Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
- The aim of COMPIE is to bring together practitioners and academics to discuss developments in the theory and the applications of counterfactual methods for policy impact evaluation. Applications can cover a broad range of interventions, from labor and social policy to regulation and funding programmes, ideally with a focus on EU policies or developing countries.
- Paper submissions: January 1, 2024 to 28 February, 2024
23–29 June 2024, Stockholm, Sweden. IUFRO | 26th World Congress
25 - 28 June 2024. Africa Energy Forum (aef)Africa Energy Forum (aef)
27 June 2024. Webinar 13 Human Resources Development and capacity building for SAMA.
- Lead by RUFORUM and contributions by SUA, PASAE, KeSABAE, and ACT ICAAP-Africa.
- The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email: info@africamechanize.org
28-29 Juin 2024 à Bambey, Sénégal et en ligne. Colloque international Sciences et Agriculture (CISA-1) de l’Institut supérieur de Formation agricole et rurale (ISFAR) - Université Alioune DIOP, les
1–5 July, 2024. CGIAR Science Week, Nairobi.
- Drawing on CGIAR science and partnerships from around the world, the inaugural CGIAR Science Week will bring together the community working for a food, nutrition and climate secure future to: co-create a roadmap for food, land and water systems transformation, forge partnerships for action, build the case for investment, inspire change.
2 - 3 July 2024. Exploring Intersections: Decolonization, Diasporas and the African Food System
3 July 2024 4th Life Cycle Innovation Conference | LCIC 2024- This hybrid conference is an initiative of the Food Bridge vzw in partnership with Diaspofood ULB, Africa Museum Tervuren, Interdisciplinary Historical Food Studies Research Group (FOST) VUB, The New Global Order (TNGO), Alefa Diaspora and others.
- The conference seeks to unravel the historical, cultural, and socio-economic dynamics that shaped the current state of African food systems and its impact on the continent’s development. Furthermore, it will be considering the effects of colonization, the experiences of diasporic communities, and the potential for decolonization to reshape the African food systems.
- Abstracts should be in .doc or pdf format and sent to diasporaprojet@gmail.com Maureen.Duru@vub.be Sarah.Oneill@ulb.be
3 - 4 July 2024. Kenya, Kwale County. BlueInvest Africa 2024
- BlueInvest Africa is an important business event, initiated by the European Commission in 2022.
- The objective of BlueInvest Africa is to facilitate meetings between African entrepreneurs seeking financing and international investors scouting for opportunities, all centred around projects capable of propelling Africa's blue economy forward
24 July 2024. Webinar 14 Joint actions in operationalization of the F-SAMA.
- Panel discussion at the 9WCCA introduced by FAO/ACT. Panelists: AUC, AfDB, FAO, DAMES committee, and CIMMYT
- The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email: info@africamechanize.org
25 July 2024. Webinar 15 Scaling CA with SAM in the Context of Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI).
- Introductory remarks of the panel discussion at the 9WCCA by Paswel Marenya (CIMMYT) or UN Women. Panelists: Dr Snapp (CIMMYT), ICARDA/INRA, and UM6P/Al Moutmir.
- The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email: info@africamechanize.org
2–7 August 2024. Transformation Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems, 32nd International Conference of Agricultural Economists
- 02/08 Assessing the impacts of international agricultural research: New methods, rigorous evidence, better decisions [SPIA Fest 2024] - CGIAR Standing Panel on Impact Assessment (SPIA)
- 02/08 Regional integration, sustainability and food security in South Asia
- 02/08 The bioeconomy and sustainable development
- 02/08 Transforming food systems in South Asia - IFPRI
- 02/08 Transdisciplinary approaches in agri-food systems transformation research- IFPRI, Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, ICARDA
- 02/08 Facilitating the rapid, Inclusive and sustainable rural transformation in Asian developing countries
- 04/08 Plenary 3: Healthy and Sustainable Diets and Nutrition
- 04/08 Plenary 4: Agri-Food Value Chains and Sustainability
- 05/08 Plenary 5: Gender in Agri-Food Systems
- 06/08 Plenary 6: Agri-Food Systems, Climate, and the Environment
- 06/08 Plenary 7: Novel Approaches in Agri-Food Systems Research
- Selection of Invited Panel sessions that will be held at the conference. For session details and timing, please consult the conference program app (available from July 2024).Science Policy Interface for Sustainable Food Systems (organizer: Hans-Jörg Lutzeyer, Peter Wehrheim) (speakers: Justus Wesseler, Shenggen Fan, Jill McCluskey, Akiko Suwa-Eisenmann, Joachim von Braun)
- Toward Sustainable Food Systems Transformation in Africa (organizer: Ousmane Badiane, Tsitsi Makombe) (speakers: Sheryl Hendriks, Anna Lartey, John Ulimwengu, Getaw Tadesse, Julius Ecuru, Katrin Glatzel, Racine Ly)
- Nourishing Growth: How Public Spending Decisions are Shaping Agricultural Transformation and Food Security in India and Africa (organizer: Ashok Gulati, Joachim von Braun) (speakers: Shyma Jose, Bezawit Beyene Chichaibelu, Lukas Kornher, Ousmane Badiane, Usha Barwale Zehr, Sachin Chaturvedi, Shahidur Rashid, Sheryl Hendriks
- Strengthening the Capacities of Agricultural Policy Research Institutes in Africa (organizer: Thomas Jayne) (speakers: Nalishebo Meebelo, Lenis Saweda O. Liverpool-Tasie, Chris Barrett, Tinashe Kapuya, Milu Muyanga)
- Urban Food Systems and Dietary Transition in Africa (organizer: Felix Asante (speakers: Jonathan Mockshell, Sylvester Ogutu, Hannah Ameye, Matin Qaim, Makaiko Khonje
- Alternative Proteins: Challenges and Opportunities in Low- and Middle-Income Settings (organizer: Claudia Ringler) (speakers: B Dayakar Rao, Arghadeep Saha, Frans Swanepoel, Melissa van der Merwe, Holly Wang)
4–9 August 2024, Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, China. IPC 2024 | 17th International Peatland Congress
12 - 13 August 2024. Crawford Fund Conference - Nurturing global change from Australia: Fostering agricultural innovation for worldwide food security, Australia
13 August 2024. Nairobi, Kenya Africa Fresh Produce Expo co-located with Africa FarmTech Expo
2 - 6 September 2024. Kigali Rwanda. Africa Food Systems Forum 2024
8 to 12 of September 2024. Rimini, Italy. 22nd IUFoST World Congress 2024 of Food Science and Technology.
11-13 September TROPENTAG
- The call for papers and preliminary conference information is now available at: https://www.tropentag.de
- For detailed information (including workshops and photo competition) please consult the call text at: https://www.tropentag.de/conference/call_tt24.pdf
- submit high quality abstracts of original research (250-350 words, English language) via the online form at: https://www.tropentag.de/submission/index.php (available from 25 March onwards). The deadline for abstract submission is May 3, 2024.
16 -19 September 2024. 13th African Crop Science Society (ACSS) conference.
- hosted by the Eduardo Mondlane University (EMU) in Maputo, Mozambique,
- under the theme, ‘Crop research and innovation for agricultural transformation, resilience and inclusion’, the Maputo meeting will also provide a platform for sharing and discussing research results that bring solutions towards enhancing agricultural development in Africa.
17 September 2024, Nairobi, Kenya, and online. GLF | GLF Africa 2024
22–23 September 2024, New York, USA. UN | Summit of the Future
25 – 28 September 2024. Global Symposium on Soil Information and Data
Join us in Nanjing, China
26 September 2024. Webinar 16 Innovative systems for sustainable technology development, and uptake or adoption.
- Lead by FARA and contributions by China Agricultural University (Li Hongwen), Murdoch University Bangladesh (Enamul Haque); CORAF, and the African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS).
- The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email: info@africamechanize.org
7 - 11 October 2024. The 9th Africa Nutrition Conference (ANC 2024/ANEC IX)
- Organised by the African Nutrition Society and Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
- Submission of abstracts: 1st March – 31st May, 2024
3, 4 October 2024. AGROECOLOGY SCIENCE DAYS » University of Lausanne, Switzerland
“Agroecology Day for All” in Lausanne on 5 October 2024
14 -16 October 2024. Addis Ababa African Youth Summit on Food Systems & Agroecology2024
21 October–1 November, TBA, Colombia. UN | 2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP16)
24 October 2024. Webinar 17 The role of smallholder farmers in agricultural development and food security in Africa.
- Introductory remarks by PAFO. Panel: ROPPA/EAFF; PASAE; University of Nairobi; CSIR-CRI Ghana; and Director of Mechanization, Nigeria.
- The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email: info@africamechanize.org
November 2024 (Agro)pastoralism in Africa: Current Dynamics and Perspectives, in preparation for the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP 2026)
4–8 November 2024, TROPICAL SUMMIT
11–22 November 2024, Baku, Azerbaijan UN | 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP29)
28 November 2024. Webinar 18 Concluding Webinar for 2024 Annual Summary Paper to be prepared by AfricaMechanize Secretariat.
- Presented by ACT iSAMAP Chair.
- The Webinars and Discussion Forums are being organized by the interim F-SAMA steering committee,comprised of AUC, FAO &ACT Network: For more information, contact: • F-SAMA - AfricaMechanize Secretariat; Email: info@africamechanize.org
2–13 December 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia UN | UNCCD COP16
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