Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Monday, August 19, 2024

INCLUSIVE DIGITAL AGRICULTURE: Call for Expression of Interest

GFAiR, hosted by CGIAR/ABC, is seeking to engage GFAiR members, partners and other interested stakeholders to form a Collective Action on Inclusive Digital Agriculture. This theme is one of the three that were prioritised by GFAiR’s Steering Committee in a survey carried out last May.


The purpose of this request for Expressions of Interest is to identify organizations interested in developing and participating in a Collective Action (CA) aimed at advancing digital agriculture for farmers by empowering them as central agents in the pro-poor transformation of agri-food research and innovation systems, with particular attention to women and youth. The objective of this initiative is to enable farmers to develop business models that serve their interests while also fostering the adoption of farmer-centric approaches throughout the digital agriculture value chain, and to support farmers to embrace digital technologies, ensuring they are aware of the associated benefits and challenges.

Organization background

GFAiR is the only global multi-stakeholder forum in which public, private and civil actors, across all aspects of the generation, access, transformation and use of agri-food knowledge, collaborate through their own representative mechanisms to collectively shape the future of agriculture and realize desired SDG impacts. GFAiR is hosted by CGIAR / Alliance for Bioversity and CIAT.

Submission of proposals

Proposals must be submitted by email, in strict compliance with the procedures outlined in the Terms of Reference (Annex 1) and must include all sections detailed in Annex 2. For proposals to be eligible for consideration, GFAiR must receive the submission, signed by a legal representative of the applicant organization, and stamped with the official seal of the organization on or before the 15th of September 2024 at Proposals received after this deadline will not be considered. GFAiR reserves the right to extend the deadline for submission. In such an event, GFAiR will inform potential applicants in writing, specifying the terms and duration of the extension.

Selection Criteria

A Selection Committee will review the proposals to check that they meet the following criteria:
  • As per the GFAiR Charter, CAs must include at least three partners belonging to the GFAiR Constituencies with at least one of them representing the interests of farmers/small-scale producers. Organizations may apply individually or jointly with others, which needs to be specified in the proposal. GFAiR may assist organizations applying individually to partner up with others in order to fulfil the condition stated above.
  • Proposals must align with GFAiR’s Partnership Principles and Engagement Principles.
  • CAs should contribute to agroecology principles and practices.
  • CAs must be inclusive, notably of women and youth, by incorporating gender-sensitive, responsive, or transformative approaches, and prioritising youth involvement.
  • Results from CAs should enable transformative change with results applicable globally.
  • Organizations that fulfil these criteria will be invited to participate in a webinar to discuss the potential for developing a CA.


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