Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Monday, August 26, 2024

The Post Malabo CAADP Agenda development process

5 - 14 August 2024
. Speke Resort Munyonyo in Kampala, Uganda, The 10 year CAADP strategy and action plan. Agricultural experts and stakeholders from across Africa convened at the  for a critical workshop aimed at drafting the CAADP Ten-Year Strategy and Action Plan (2026-2035).

21 August 2024. A wide range stakeholders validated the 10 years AUC CAADP Strategy and Action Plan.

The Post Malabo CAADP Agenda development process has three work streams – Stakeholder consultations, Analysis, design and drafting, and Political mobilization – across the continent culminating in the declaration of a new agenda and commitments by the Heads of States and Governments (HOSG) in the first quarter of 2025.

The current process will result in a Kampala Declaration to be presented for endorsement by AU member states in January 2025. Once adopted by member states, the Kampala Declaration will be the new 10-year continental blueprint and Action Plan for building sustainable and inclusive food systems that guarantee food security for Africans, while creating decent jobs and unlocking business opportunities for millions of young people and households.

A major shift in the CAADP’s Kampala Declaration is the move from an agriculture-driven growth approach to a broader agri-food systems perspective. This strategic shift is based on a holistic understanding of the interplay between agriculture, nutrition, and economic development. It recognizes the need to integrate policies that address the trade-offs and linkages between sustainable practices, value chain complexities, and nutrition which is more critical than ever.

The strategy and action plan outline clear pathways to transform African agri-food systems, focusing on sustainable food production, agro-industrialization, and trade. The plan emphasizes the need to enhance agricultural input systems, improve access to quality seeds, animal feed, and fertilizers, and promote sustainable growth through industrialization.

To tackle the dual challenges of malnutrition and food insecurity, the strategy calls for increased access to land for women, youth, and marginalized groups, alongside diversifying income sources and promoting sustainable natural resource management and social protection.

The 2025 Kampala summit to adopt the post-Malabo CAADP Declaration will be pivotal in redefining pathways to achieve food security, nutritional health, and economic prosperity across Africa.

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