Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Science & Partnerships for Agriculture Conference (SPAC 2024)

29 - 31 July 2024.
Kigali, Rwanda. 2nd Science & Partnerships for Agriculture Conference (SPAC 2024). The Rwanda Agricultural Board (RAB) and the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) have organised the Second edition of the Science Partnerships for Agriculture Conference (SPAC).

Six key conferences

The 2024 edition of the SPAC conference hosted its usual lead conferences among many other convenings. Six key conferences ran simultaneously but independently. It hosted:

1. Third Biennial Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Conference

This conference gave the needed opportunity for stewardship on the CSA actions in Africa. It gives prime attention to the space of technology generation, utilization, and impact of CSA actions on agrarian livelihood.

2. Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) conference

The Knowledge Management for Agricultural Development (KM4AgD) is an annual event that seeks to build appropriate capacities, establish communities of practice for Knowledge Management, and strengthen the knowledge ecosystem to accelerate the achievement of the CAADP Malabo goals Scaling and Futures conference: a workshop on advancing the application of foresight in African agriculture. The conference demonstrated outputs from the 3-months Challenge and graduate the 2024 batch of trainees.

3. Scaling and Futures Conference

Accelerating food system transformation requires the scaling of technologies as well as generating new ones to improve the productivity and resilience of the
system. This conference brought together stakeholders from the Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) program and the broader food system actors to develop strategies for scaling transformative technologies in the context of the post-Malabo process. The conference  engaged with the Africa Foresight community of practice for learning

4. Policy and Partnerships Conference

The sub-theme was ‘Scaling Research and Innovation Outcomes in AR4D-Coherent Policies and Partnerships Matters’. This conference offered a unique space, for the exchange of experiences and explore ways to improve the food system in Africa through coherent policies and effective partnerships. Side events provided platforms to discuss and explore how coherent policies and effective partnerships would provide the needed support to improve the food systems through AR4D. It identified gaps in policy formulation and implementation as and the challenges to the formation of effective partnerships that need to be addressed for improved AR4D policies and interventions.

5. DeSIRA connect

DeSIRA Connect initiative aims to contribute to climate-relevant, productive, and sustainable transformation of agriculture and food systems in low and middle-income countries. The conference brought the different projects implemented in Africa together to share success stories and exchange knowledge. It fostered the joint development of policy outputs as well as the development of communication strategies. 

6. Technical Workshop on Climate Change and Soil Health

This workshop convened key experts in Africa to review the SIA, AFSH-AP and Africa fertilizer and soil health declaration to develop the companion documents that will inform a clear understanding of the documents and the actions to be taking at the different levels to implement the actions. 

Side events (extract)

  1. AU-EU Horizon Europe partnership projects coordinated by FARA viz., CEAFIRST and
  2. Tropical Agriculture Platform (TAP): Promoting Inclusive Innovation by Strengthening National Agricultural Innovation Systems (AIS)
  3. ICRISAT Side Event: “A systems approach for building community resilience”, 
  4. IWMI Side Event: “Inclusive Landscape Management for Climate Smart Agriculture and Food Systems Transition in West and Central Africa”, 
  5. AGRA-FARA Side Event: “Youth Climate Action Convening”
  6. “The continental think tank to respond to Emerging Technological Issues in Africa Agriculture” Session 
  7. the CAADP-XP4 Agroecology Side Event, 
  8. the IRC ORCaSa Side Event
  9. the Sasakawa Africa Association Side Event
  10. the Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network (FANRPAN) Plenary event.
  11. CGIAR’s 2025—30 Research and Innovation Portfolio: Breeding for Tomorrow Program
  12. 30 August 2024  CAADP-XP4 Consortium, in collaboration with IFAD  Agroecology

 SPAC2024: Opening Plenary

  • Welcome Address Dr. Telesphore Ndabamenye DG Rwanda Agricultural Board, Rwanda 
  • Welcome Address Dr. Aggrey Agumya Executive Director, FARA 
  • Opening Remarks MS Bongiwe Njobe Chair of FARA 
  • Goodwill message Dr Abebe Haile-Gabriel ADG- FAO 
  • Goodwill message Dr Simeon Ehui DG IITA and OneCGIAR coordinator for Africa 
  • Goodwill Message Head of Cooperation, Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda 
  • Opening Remarks HE Josefa Sacko Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development, Blue
    Economy, and Sustainable Environment (ARBE) 
  • Keynote Address 1 Hon. Dr. Ildephonse Musafiri Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda 
  • Keynote Address 2 Hon. Dr. Musa Kpaka Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Sierra Leone
  • SPAC Lead Paper 1 “Partnerships for Food System Transition Under Climate Change, Soil Health, and the Biodiversity Crisis”. Distinguished Professor. Linus Opara

    Linus Opara Umezuruike said that science and technology can revolutionise African agriculture and the food system. He also emphasised the need to establish platforms where best practices can be shared, technical information can be exchanged, and some of the practices can be implemented to improve food security on the continent.

  • High-Level Panel Discussion Moderator: Prof ‘Wole Fatunbi Panelists: Hon Dr. Theresa Tenneh Dick; Dr Abdou Tenkouano; Prof Cristina Máguas; Dr Alioune Fall, Madam Bongiwe Njobe; Dr. Selvaraju Ramasamy



 SPAC2024: Day 2 Plenary

2nd SPAC lead Paper “Ensuring the delivery of the desired future of food systems in Africa” 
  • Prof. Idowu Oladele High-level Panel 
  • Facilitator Prof Wole Fatunbi 
  • Prof Julius Gatune
  • Ms Elizabeth Nsimadala
  • Dr. Alex Awiti (ICRAF)
  • Dr. Geoffrey Heinrich (CRS)
  • Hon Dr. Theresa Tenneh Dick

3rd SPAC lead Paper “The Role of Science in the Post-Malabo Agenda for Africa Agriculture and Food Systems” 
  • Dr. Robin Buruchara High-level 
  • Panel Moderator: Dr. Irene Annor- Frempong 
  • Dr Alioune Fall
  • Prof. Patrick Okori
  • Prof Olubukola Oluranti Babalola
  • Prof Richard Mkandawire 
  • Prof Appolinaire Djikeng

 SPAC2024: Closing Plenary (Day 3)

  • Science: Biennial Climate Smart Agriculture Conference 
  • Capacities and Futures: Scaling and Futures Conference 
  • Policies: Policy & Partnerships Conference 
  • Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management for Agricultural Develepment Conference 2024 
  • DeSIRA Connect 
  • SIA technical workshop on climate change and Soil health 

  • SPAC REPORT AND AGENDA for 2024-2026 
  • MoU; New Project Pitch 
  • Closing Ceremony
  • Short info: Tropical Summit 2024


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