Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development

Friday, August 23, 2024

Kenya: First International Seed Quality Conference

19 - 22 August 2024.
Nairobi, Kenya. First International Seed Quality Conference on whose theme is “Seed quality assurance and technological advances for climate change adaptation towards sustainable food and nutrition security”

This conference brought together private and public, national, regional and international stakeholders in the seed arena to discuss current affairs and share experiences in seed quality assurance. Delivery in the conference will be through identified strategic world-renowned keynote speakers and well vetted oral and poster presentations aligned to identified thematic areas. Alongside the conference, there were side events, field excursions and exhibitions to display the array of efforts and experiences in promoting seed quality.

Some150 participants attended the conference drawn from the government agencies (public), policy makers, agricultural industry players, international agencies, donor agencies among others.

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