- Transformative Partnership Platform on agroecological approaches
- CFS 48 main website
- Side event schedule
The Agroecology Transformative Partnership Platform (TPP), was launched and discussed during this side event, to accelerate and coordinate the work of agroecology partners at international, national and local levels.
- Developed as a concrete response to the Committee on World Food Security agenda, the new initiative aligns with the recommendations and 13 agroecology principles outlined in the High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (HLPE) report on agroecology.
- This inclusive effort featured new ways of research and action at the science-policy interface, working in fresh, transformative and transdisciplinary ways that apply locally adapted solutions within a demand-driven context.
- The TPP governance system comprises a Steering Committee, a CGIAR Contact Group, an Advisory Group, and two Co-convenors who are ex-officio members of all three groups. All are supported by a Secretariat, currently hosted by CIFOR-ICRAF.
Steering Committee Agroecology Transformative Partnership Platform (TPP)
The TPP Steering Committee, has an overall oversight role and will take key decisions regarding: the strategic evolution of the TPP and the partnerships within the TPP, the science domains, the rules for integration/alignment of projects, and the composition of the Advisory Group.- Bernard Hubert Chair, French Committee for Intl. Agricultural Research France
- Michel Evéquoz Senior Advisor, SDC Switzerland
- Marcela Quintero Research Director, Multifunctional Landscapes, The Alliance Colombia
- Hélène Quentrec Policy Officer, European Commission, DG INTPA Belgium
- Robert Nasi Director General, CIFOR Indonesia
- Marion Guillou French HCC Mbr; ASPAC Chr. of The Alliance Bd France
- Fergus Sinclair Ex-officio Chief Scientist, CIFOR-ICRAF Kenya
- Etienne Hainzelin Ex-officio Advisor to President Director General of CIRAD. Canada
CFS side event
This CFS side event brought together experts in agroecology from the policy arena, scientists and on-the-ground stakeholders from civil society to discuss the political demand for food systems transformation and ongoing efforts under the TPP. Engagement with CFS members and participants on potential priority areas of work for the TPP will catalyse interactions as the initiative strives to create new coalitions and new partnerships to boost agroecological transitions.The side event organized by France, Switzerland, Senegal, Sri Lanka, EU Directorate-General International Partnerships, CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry, Biovision, French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD), FAO, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) included two targeted discussions on political demand and the TPP research response that will cover the current challenges and opportunities at this critical time for innovations in food systems.
- Panel 1: What is the political demand for agroecology?
- Panel 2: The transdisciplinary research response – a new way forward with the Agroecology Transformative Partnership Platform
The Special Session of the 48th Plenary of CFS will take place virtually on Friday, 4 June 2021 to endorse the CFS Policy Recommendations on Agroecological and Other Innovative Approaches.
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