- Africa Pavilion hosted by the African Development Bank, the African Union Commission (AUC), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), and the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (AUDA-NEPAD), in collaboration with other regional entities, including the Africa Risk Capacity
- Food Pavilion (hosted by CGIAR, FAO, IFAD and the Rockefeller Foundation)
- Food Systems Pavilion (hosted by the Netherlands)
- Health Pavilion (hosted by WHO)
- Food4Climate Pavilion (hosted by ProVeg)
- Nutrition-related COP28 events listed on the UN-Nutrition website
- See also: IFPRI @ 28th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP28)
At COP 28, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) addressed two of humanity’s most urgent challenges—climate change and food security—making the case that the world cannot meet its climate or development goals without transforming food systems.
Its programme of events engaged with global experts and leaders accelerating action and investment to transform food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis, including through the involvement of key partners such as youth.
CGIAR also co-hosted the Food and Agriculture Pavilion, along with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and the Rockefeller Foundation.
Investments in support of CGIAR’s new investment case were announced at COP28, which for the first time ever placed the future of agriculture at the heart of climate discussions.
At a pledging event hosted by the United Arab Emirates, funders shared commitments including USD 136 million from the Netherlands, USD 132 million from the United Kingdom, USD 100 million from the United States, USD 100 million from the World Bank, and USD 51 million from Norway. These pledges followed the announcement of a USD 200 million partnership to Accelerate Action on Climate and Strengthen Food Systems Through Investment in Agricultural Innovation by the UAE and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
We are inspired by and grateful to our donors and partners, who have recently committed USD 890 million to support our new research portfolio. But this is only the beginning. (...) But to unlock the full potential of innovation, funders must increase investments and political support toward climate and agriculture innovation. That’s why CGIAR has launched a new investment case, calling for USD 4 billion to harness the power of innovation against climate change, increase productivity, and build more resilient food systems. New funding will support CGIAR scientists, experts, and partners in hundreds of countries to scale world-changing innovations, from new tools and technologies for farmers to more nutritious and climate-resilient crops. Ismahane Elouafi, Executive Managing Director, CGIAR (see: IISD 7/12: Reimagining Food Systems to Address Climate and Hunger)
Extract of the programme
December 1, 2023 @ Agrivoltaics: Sustainable Solutions at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Security
This panel explored policy dimensions that inhibit faster adoption of agrivoltaic practices and investments in this area.
December 1, 2023 Climate change and food security: The role of nuclear science
The High-level event will showcase how the Food and Agriculture Organization and International Atomic Energy Agency through the Joint Centre have supported Member States with: research and development, reduction of GHG emissions, and capacity building and technology transfer to increase the resilience of global agrifood systems against the ravishes of climate change. This panel explored policy dimensions that inhibit faster adoption of agrivoltaic practices and investments in this area.
December 1, 2023 Accelerating regenerative and agroecological transitions
A philanthropic theory of transformation – How 20+ funders are aligning to unlock the resources needed to shift food systems. Unveiling the first ever global price tag for the cost of regenerative and agroecological transitions, underpinned by regional case studies, outlining global and national priorities for scaling up investment in landscape transformations around the world, making the case for alignment and coordination to meet global targets.
December 1, 2023 Bridging the gap: IFAD’s role in climate finance for smallholder farmers
This event aims to shed light on the global climate finance, to underline the challenges and gaps, and to introduce innovative mechanisms to address these issues, with a focus on adaptation and nature financing for smallholder rural communities. The event will present findings from the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), which reflects the global landscape of climate finance.
December 1, 2023 Loss and damage in agrifood systems: Addressing gaps and challenges
COP28 calls for ambitious mobilization of finance for climate action, including arrangements and a new fund for loss and damage. Through a high-level panel discussion, the event aims to launch a report focuses on Loss and Damage in agrifood systems.
December 2, 2023 Appropriate governance of the implementation bodies of the Sustainable Oases Initiative
The objective of this side event is to gather insights from those interested in oasis ecosystems on the ‘appropriate governance of the implementing bodies of the Sustainable Oases Initiative. This aims to operationalize the Sustainable Oases Initiative, incorporating it into major international trends related to sustainable agroecosystem management and climate change adaptation.
December 2, 2023 Launch of ARCAFIM – The Africa Rural Climate Adaptation Financing Mechanism
The Africa Rural Climate Adaptation Finance Mechanism (ARCAFIM) is a blended finance risk-sharing facility, together with a technical assistance facility, that catalyzes up to USD 700 million of private sector climate change adaptation (CCA) investments in small producers and MSMEs in rural areas of Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda.
December 2, 2023 Analyzing global commitments on food security and diets
Progress against food insecurity and poor diet quality has stalled. Governments across the world have made commitments to actions that address food insecurity and poor diets in numerous settings; however, what remains uncertain, is which commitments are most salient towards achieving SDG2
December 2, 2023 Pioneering evidence-based blended finance instruments for food systems transformation
Food systems are grappling with a large financing shortfall to transition towards a net-zero, nature-positive, and inclusive economy. The existing financing architecture alone cannot bridge this gap without innovative and scalable financing solutions grounded in robust evidence.
December 2, 2023 Political action for the AMR and environment on the road to the UNGA HLM on AMR in 2024
The session brought high-level attention to AMR and the need to transform agrifood systems to optimize animal, plant and environmental health, ensure responsible and sustainable use of antimicrobials and most importantly, reduce the need to use antimicrobials and promote innovation for evidence-based and sustainable alternatives.
December 2, 2023 Financing the regenerative agriculture transition
This event will showcase progress towards developing ground-breaking cross sector financial solutions which aim to accelerate the global transition to a regenerative agricultural system – enabling farming communities throughout the world to deliver positive impacts on climate, nature and health.
December 3, 2023 Scaling up integrated actions to address malnutrition and climate change: an intersectional and intergenerational dialogue
FAO is collaborating with partners to present the advances of the Initiative on Climate Action and Nutrition (I-CAN) and its work to catalyse integrated actions that address the challenges of climate change and malnutrition simultaneously.
December 3, 2023 Implications of climate-related mobility for peace and security
This regional launch event of CGIAR’s MENA Regional Climate Security Hub explores the interactions between climate change, peace, and human mobility. This nexus is particularly relevant in a context of rapid urbanization, where cities are at the forefront of the climate emergency while dealing with inflows of internal migrants and increasing human security concerns.
December 3, 2023 Transforming drylands: Integrating agriculture innovations towards achieving WEF Nexus for climate resilience in the MENA region
Climate change is heavily impacting rural communities in global drylands. Transforming deserts into sustainable and productive lands is crucial to building resilience. This event showcased integrated farming innovations for MENA and the global drylands.
December 3, 2023 Addressing loss and damage and advancing climate action in agriculture and food security: a perspective on the upcoming negotiations
Climate change poses unprecedented challenges to global agriculture and food security, with vulnerable communities experiencing tangible and often irreversible losses and damages. With agriculture being responsible for one third of global greenhouse gas emission, it is urgent to agree on a way forward to step up implementation of climate action in this sector, and more broadly in food systems.
December 3, 2023 Strengthening climate resilience, adaptation and mitigation through food loss and waste reduction
Food loss and waste (FLW) is responsible for 8 to 10 percent of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, while contributing to many factors that drive climate change, such as degradation of natural ecosystems, biodiversity loss and unsustainable use of natural resources. On the other hand, climate change can be a significant causative factor of FLW, for example by increasing the incidence of post-harvest pests, while FLW reduction and related value addition activities provide avenues for building resilience and adapting to climate change.
December 4, 2023 Transforming the food system, solving for climate: The role of private finance
The food system has the potential to become a significant nature-based solution for climate change. However, this will require transformation in many areas. This event set out what private finance needs to do, and by when, the economic risks if financial institutions fail to act, and the climate, nature and societal benefits if they do.
December 4, 2023 Unlocking climate finance in fragile and conflict affected settings: Advancing conflict-sensitive approaches in multilateral climate finance
Fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCS) face unique challenges that can impede the effective utilization of climate finance. These settings not only grapple with socio-political instability but also bear a disproportionate impact of climate change. This panel discussion shed light on the importance of conflict-sensitive approaches in the design, allocation, and management of climate finance from the perspective of donors, funds, and executing entities.
December 4, 2023 Climate action and finance to address food crises in fragile and conflict-affected contexts
How can climate action tackle food crises and build resilience in fragile and conflict-affected countries? This technical session provided evidence for mobilizing investment in climate actions that build resilient agrifood systems from the ground up in humanitarian and food crises contexts.
December 4, 2023 The true cost of food: Driving food system transformation at local and global levels
Two reports on True Cost Accounting (TCA) by FAO and the Food System Economics Commission find over USD 10 trillion in hidden costs of the global food system. This figure exceeds current estimates of the food system’s contribution to the global economy.
December 4, 2023 Recipes for change Harvesting resilience: exploring underutilized crops in Africa as climate-smart solutions for food and nutritional security
Lost Crop, led by chef Pierre Thiam hosted this event promoting Africa’s forgotten and under-utilized crops for climate resilience and improved nutrition, such as sesame.
December 5, 2023 Power shift: Why we need to wean industrial food systems off fossil fuels
Food and energy systems are fundamentally intertwined. Industrial food systems, in particular, are highly energy intensive and dependent on fossil fuels. This event highlighted findings and recommendations from a new report and featured a moderated panel discussion on the opportunities for action.
December 5, 2023 The nexus for water, food and energy (NWFE): Bridging the financing gap in climate adaptation programmes
This side event showcased how national programmes like the Nexus of Water Food & Energy (NWFE) can bridge the financial and collaboration gap to achieve the common national and global climate commitments. It explored the modalities of blending climate finance, leveraging private sector finance towards rural transformational livelihoods and climate adaptation programmes.
December 5, 2023 The state of carbon payments and the voluntary carbon market in agriculture
Despite increasing interest in and the pressing need for agricultural sector innovation and transformation, challenges persist in scaling low-emission solutions for resilient agriculture due to limited incentives and investments for farmers. The untapped potential of agriculture in Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCM) is significant, offering numerous socio-economic benefits.
December 5, 2023 A just transition to more sustainable and healthy livestock production systems
Livestock products are vital for fulfilling nutrition requirements of the majority of the world’s population and particularly in LMICs. However, livestock emissions need to be reduced if climate change targets are to be reached. The session described different approaches to reducing emissions in HICs and LMICs.
December 5, 2023 National actions for climate and food: Launch of new NDC guidance tool for agriculture and food systems
To reach the goals of the Paris Agreement the world needs to raise ambition and scale up implementation in agriculture and food systems, given the fact that up to 42% of GHG emissions are from food production and consumption. The transformation towards sustainable, equitable and just agriculture and food systems within planetary boundaries is at the core of the German development agenda.
December 5, 2023 Water, food security and nutrition in a climate-constrained world: Enabling research, innovations and learnings for resilient food systems
Three billion people do not have access to nutritious and safe foods, making the diversification of diets an essential tenet of the CGIAR research and innovation agenda. However, the increased consumption of high-valued products has led to significant food safety risks, magnified by climate extremes, water insecurity, and lack of access to clean water across food supply chains.
December 6, 2023 Crop diversity for climate change adaptation and mitigation contributing to resilient and nature positive futures for farmers globally
The event showed the power of crop genetic diversity to serve as a cost-effective strategy for enhancing climate resilience for food production globally across a range of species contributing to diversified diets. Exploring roots and tubers, cereals, and legumes, including underutilized crops, experts from the global community of crop research and practitioners highlighted various benefits of within and across species diversity.
December 6, 2023 Building resilience in fragile contexts: Lessons learned from the Sahel and Djibouti
The impacts of climate change are particularly devastating in fragile regions. The Sahel is experiencing changing weather patterns and decreased food production that exacerbate insecurity and poverty lead to mass migration and cross-border conflict. The region is ripe with opportunity thanks to abundant natural resources, but these must be managed in a way that allows rural transformation using innovative solutions, including renewable energy, community-led initiatives and targeted investment.
December 6, 2023 Accelerating climate and agriculture solutions to advance global food security and nutrition outcomes
The event included high-level speeches and a panel discussion focused on opportunities to improve nutritious food systems in the face of climate change.
December 6, 2023 Avoiding the perfect storm: Enabling aquatic foods climate solutions through policy, science and finance
While aquatic food dependent communities are known to be amongst the most exposed and vulnerable to climate change impacts, less than 30% of aquatic food producing countries have requested adaptation finance which demonstrates a lack of capacity, awareness and ability to navigate the currently complex pathways to access resources to help improve adaptive capacity and preparedness.
December 8, 2023 International Land Coalition: Strengthening land tenure rights of smallholder farmers for sustainable food systems and climate resilience
A quarter of the planet's GHG emissions are attributed to the agriculture sector. Yet not all forms of agriculture are the same. IPCC reports highlight that ecosystem-based approaches to agriculture such as agroecology can promote carbon sequestration and strengthen the resilience of food systems against climate change, while supporting biodiversity, food security, nutrition and livelihoods.
December 8, 2023 Less emissions with better livestock production: Climate solutions for sustainable livestock transformation
The release of the new FAO global assessment on livestock’s GHG emissions and the FAO report on methane emissions in livestock and rice systems provide a foundation for informed action and decision-making towards more low-emissions and climate-resilient practices.
Gerber, P.J., Steinfeld, H., Henderson, B., Mottet, A., Opio, C., Dijkman, J., Falcucci, A. & Tempio, G. 2013. Tackling climate change through livestock – A global assessment of emissions and mitigation opportunities. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome. # 139 pages
This report identifies ways of reducing emissions by assessing the mitigation potential
of sets of technologies. Such analysis provides guidance for local and system-specific
solutions, as sector actors seek to improve sustainability and viability, but also for more
targeted pro-poor livestock development
Addressing methane emissions from livestock and rice systems is vital for promoting sustainable agriculture and mitigating climate change. This FAO report comprehensively addresses methane emissions in agriculture and their impact on global greenhouse gas levels. By analysing sources, sinks, quantification methods, and mitigation strategies, this publication highlights challenges and opportunities to reduce methane emissions from livestock and rice production systems.
This event combined passion, innovation, and creative arts to empower rural youth and young agri-preneurs in their mission to combat climate change and drive innovation in agriculture.
COP28 offers the most ambitious set of opportunities to advance multiple facets of the food systems transition agenda, including the Emirates Declaration on Resilient Food Systems, Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Action, a new roadmap for the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food systems (SSJW) the Non State Actors Call to Action on Food System Transformation.
CGIAR and the World Food Programme (WFP) launched a new partnership that will support food systems innovators in fragile contexts (Nigeria, Mozambique, Yemen, Jordan) through science-driven entrepreneurship support and invite public and private stakeholders to collaborate, with the support of the African Development Bank (AfDB).
Land and water resources are finite natural resources on the planet. These resources are degraded due to both human and climatic impacts. Innovative approaches are needed to use resources sustainably to support agri-food systems transformation. This event demonstrated a climate-informed and water-wise integrated land use planning guidelines recently being updated by FAO.
The world’s poor heavily rely on agrifood systems, which are vulnerable to climate change. Agri-food systems also contribute to up to a third of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To reduce GHG emissions, various options exist, but they don’t always align with sustainable development goals like zero hunger.
Natural resource degradation and climatic changes are threatening the viability of smallholder farmers, fishers, forest producers, and rural communities. These rural community groups often bear the brunt of land degradation, climate-related disruptions, resource constraints, and socio-economic vulnerabilities.
Agriculture and food security featured prominently at COP26 and COP27, and the COP28 President’s Action Agenda makes it clear that we need to take action to achieve resilient, sustainable and equitable food systems that provide affordable, safe and nutritious food for all.
Regeneration needs to occur at 4 spatial levels – farm, regional, national, value-chain; much of the corporate and investor focus has been on value chains and farms, ignoring landscapes layer, which is a vital entry point for organizing, incentivizing, and observing regenerative outcomes.
Ensuring sustainable food systems that can feed a growing population, while safeguarding the planet, is one of the biggest challenges in a generation. A big challenge needs a big response. This event looked at innovative approaches to financing and private sector involvement.
FAO provided a space for exchange on system-level approaches to adaptation in agrifood systems, highlighting country achievements on the journey from planning NAPs and NDCs to implementing transformative action. The event launched FAO’s latest collection of success stories on implementing solutions for climate change adaptation.
FAO (2023) Catalysing climate solutions An introduction to FAO’s work on climate change adaptationin agrifood systems. # 85 pages
December 8, 2023 Innovate for change: Empowering youth in climate and agribusiness
This event combined passion, innovation, and creative arts to empower rural youth and young agri-preneurs in their mission to combat climate change and drive innovation in agriculture.
December 8, 2023 A COP Week 2 Way station for those raising the ambition on Food Systems: The State of Food Systems at COP 28 and the Road to COP 30
COP28 offers the most ambitious set of opportunities to advance multiple facets of the food systems transition agenda, including the Emirates Declaration on Resilient Food Systems, Sustainable Agriculture and Climate Action, a new roadmap for the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food systems (SSJW) the Non State Actors Call to Action on Food System Transformation.
December 8, 2023 Partnerships that mobilize investments for climate-resilient food systems in fragile and conflict-affected regions
CGIAR and the World Food Programme (WFP) launched a new partnership that will support food systems innovators in fragile contexts (Nigeria, Mozambique, Yemen, Jordan) through science-driven entrepreneurship support and invite public and private stakeholders to collaborate, with the support of the African Development Bank (AfDB).
December 9, 2023 From planning to practices: Integrating land use planning (ILUP) for climate-smart agriculture and food security
Land and water resources are finite natural resources on the planet. These resources are degraded due to both human and climatic impacts. Innovative approaches are needed to use resources sustainably to support agri-food systems transformation. This event demonstrated a climate-informed and water-wise integrated land use planning guidelines recently being updated by FAO.
December 9, 2023 The state of agri-food systems in a climate crisis and the role of IPCC-IPBES and other global assessments
The world’s poor heavily rely on agrifood systems, which are vulnerable to climate change. Agri-food systems also contribute to up to a third of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To reduce GHG emissions, various options exist, but they don’t always align with sustainable development goals like zero hunger.
December 9, 2023 Barriers and levers for scaling nature-based solutions to build smallholder’s climate resilience
Natural resource degradation and climatic changes are threatening the viability of smallholder farmers, fishers, forest producers, and rural communities. These rural community groups often bear the brunt of land degradation, climate-related disruptions, resource constraints, and socio-economic vulnerabilities.
December 9, 2023 From commitment to action: How can existing initiatives and tools help advance the COP28 Food Systems Transformation Agenda?
Agriculture and food security featured prominently at COP26 and COP27, and the COP28 President’s Action Agenda makes it clear that we need to take action to achieve resilient, sustainable and equitable food systems that provide affordable, safe and nutritious food for all.
December 9, 2023 Landscape transformation for climate, nature, people, and culture: Voices of regenerative landscape leaders
Regeneration needs to occur at 4 spatial levels – farm, regional, national, value-chain; much of the corporate and investor focus has been on value chains and farms, ignoring landscapes layer, which is a vital entry point for organizing, incentivizing, and observing regenerative outcomes.
December 10, 2023 The future of food: How to sustainably keep our plates full?
Ensuring sustainable food systems that can feed a growing population, while safeguarding the planet, is one of the biggest challenges in a generation. A big challenge needs a big response. This event looked at innovative approaches to financing and private sector involvement.
December 10, 2023 Moving from planning to implementation: solutions on how to accelerate transformative adaptation action in agrifood systems
FAO provided a space for exchange on system-level approaches to adaptation in agrifood systems, highlighting country achievements on the journey from planning NAPs and NDCs to implementing transformative action. The event launched FAO’s latest collection of success stories on implementing solutions for climate change adaptation.
December 10, 2023 Design guidance for the Harmonized Regenerative Outcomes Measurement Framework: World launch event
Shifting from conventional regenerative and agroecological production would contribute substantially to climate, nature, and equity goals. However, the transition is hamstrung by a lack of a shared definition or common measurement framework that speaks to farmers, landscape stewards, business and investors. The time has come for a harmonized regenerative outcomes measurement framework that builds upon the incredible work of several existing measurement and scoring frameworks. This is the official global launch of the design guidance for a regenerative outcomes measurement framework rooted in the perspectives of farmers and landscape stewards. Once fully developed, the framework will overcome the disconnects between the prevailing 115 frameworks which largely align towards shallower notions of regenerative, thereby building a critical bridge between agroecological, regenerative and Indigenous foodways.
December 10, 2023 Responsible consumption and sustainable production: pathways for climate-friendly food systems
This session discussed pathways towards climate-friendly food systems, focusing on the role that alternative proteins and food waste reduction can play in achieving responsible consumption, and on genetic innovation, agroecology and appropriate use of fertilisers for sustainable production. The session delved into the enabling environment needed to accelerate the uptake of these innovations, including existing barriers and the policy frameworks, incentives and investment needed to remove them.
December 11, 2023 Digital innovations for climate-resilient agriculture: A pathway to sustainable food systems
The event focused on digital solutions for climate-smart agriculture. IFAD showcased digital tools such as mobile applications, geographic information systems (GIS), precision agriculture, and earth observation data analysis, and highlight their role in promoting climate resilience among smallholder farmers.
- Measuring the impacts of afforestation and terracing in Türkiye
- Precision agriculture in Kenya
- Mobile based advisory services in Zambia
December 11, 2023 By Africa, for Africa: A new approach to collaboration between Africa’s institutions and CGIAR for climate action in agriculture
CGIAR has played a critical role in global agricultural development for five decades, but lacks resources to deliver innovations in challenging agroecological conditions across Africa on the scale needed to address climate change. Strong national and regional partners are essential, but African institutions (especially NARES) remain dependent on international research organisations.
- Moderator: Loraine Ronchi – Lead Economist, Agriculture, The World Bank
- Manyewu Mutamba – Head (Ag) of Agriculture, Food Systems and Rural Transformation, AUDA-NEPAD
- Ana Maria Loboguerrero – Director, Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa (AICCRA)
- Phoebe Mwangangi – Smallholder farmer from Makueni County, Kenya
- Cliff Dlamini – Executive Director, Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA)
- Edith Adera – Lead Coordinator, Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP) and Regional Principal Officer, AFDB Group
- Javier Mateo-Vega – Senior Director for Partnerships, Stewardship, Innovation, and Intelligence, CGIAR
- Florence Nakayiwa - Deputy Executive Secretary - Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)
Transcript (extract) presentation of Javier Mateo-Vega (@30:54)
It's really no secret that CGIAR or like many other international organizations has been called out for not doing better in terms of the way that engages with partners. I think many international organizations are known or considered to be organizations that sometimes supplant national systems, that compete with them, that don't share enough of the resources or the credit. And this is something that we need to take into very serious consideration. And I think in an organization like CGIAR, that's been around for five decades, and if you look under the hood, you're certainly going to find moments where our partners would say that we have operated in a sub optimal manner. But by the same token, there are certainly moments where things CGIAR has demonstrated its capacity to be a good partner that is inclusive, collaborative and demand responsive.
So under a new program of capacity sharing for development, we have one component, it's called research engagement. And we're just prototyping this right now. We're working with Senegal, with Ethiopia and with Rwanda, where we are funding the NARS [National Agricultural Research System] to lead. We're not subcontracting to do work with us. We're funding them [the NARS] with support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, to lead research projects that are aligned to national needs and priorities that are helping to embed more sustainable capacities in the NARS partners and that are completely aligned to the priorities of the country.
And this is a way of rebalancing historical power imbalances. We hear often the NARS have become sources of subcontracts. And in worst case scenarios, I recently was told by a NARS partner: "We're not cheap labor. We're not a source of cheap intellectual labor". And we hear you and so this new research engagement component is something that's coming to change. (...) This is something that we're piloting and this is going to be another tool, the different engagement modalities that CGIAR will employ. So if you ask me, am I going to wake up tomorrow and see a CGIAR that's only operating this way? I would be disingenuous to tell you I said yes, [but] we're not. We're transitioning in that. But my hope is, in a few years from now, (...) you'll be able to look at me and say, Wow, I can really detect the transformation.
December 11, 2023 Financing nutrition for a healthier climate: The power of sustainable diets
The Initiative on Climate Action and Nutrition (I-CAN) baseline analysis demonstrates that financing and investing for programmes that link nutrition and climate is very low. Our current food systems do not ensure access to healthy diets for everyone and contribute to diet-related health issues; at the same time they put immense pressure on our environment.
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